
2017-09-13 10:51:23来源:网络

  Imports of rubbish have helped feed China’s voracious appetite for raw materials. It is often cheaper to recycle scrap copper, iron and steel, as well as waste paper and plastic, than to make such materials from scratch, especially when commodity prices are high. So as commodity prices rose during the 2000s, the burgeoning trade in waste benefited both exporters, who made money from previously worthless trash, and importers, who gained access to a reliable stream of precious feedstock. Between 1995 and 2016 Chinese imports of waste grew tenfold, from 4.5m to 45m tonnes.


  Voracious 贪婪的;贪吃的;狼吞虎咽的

  Burgeoning 增长迅速的;生机勃勃的

  Feedstock 原料;给料

  But imports of recyclable waste are often dirty, poorly sorted or contaminated with hazardous substances such as lead or mercury. In 1996 factories in Xinjiang inadvertently imported more than 100 tonnes of radioactive metal from Kazakhstan. The following year an American businessman was convicted of smuggling over 200 tonnes of unsorted rubbish labelled as waste paper. Even when the intended material is imported, it is often recycled improperly. In 2002 the authorities faced widespread criticism after a documentary showed workers in Guangdong province crudely dismantling discarded electronic devices and dumping the toxic remains into a river. Officials may have been spurred into the latest restrictions by the release of Plastic China, an unflattering documentary about the plastic-recycling industry which was screened at Sundance, a grand American film festival, in January.


  Mercury 水银;水银柱;精神

  Inadvertently 非故意地;不注意地

  The government had already been campaigning to block imports of illegal and low-quality waste under a crackdown called Operation Green Fence launched in 2013.(读者试译) Customs officials have ramped up inspections of scrap metal for circuit boards, plastic for syringes and other medical waste, and waste paper for plastic or wood. Since then, China’s imports of waste have fallen sharply (see chart).



  Whereas Green Fence was aimed at improving the quality of imported waste, the government’s latest move bans several types of waste outright, threatening some $5bn in trade. The Ministry of Environmental Protection says the ban will cut pollution. But most of the waste consumed by China’s recycling industry comes from domestic sources, not imports, notes Joshua Goldstein of the University of Southern California: “This is not really where the problem lies.” Indeed, recyclers who rely on imports may now switch to grubbier domestic stock.

  而资源回收公司绿色栅栏(Green Fence)旨在提高进口废物的质量,政府最近采取的行动彻底禁止了多种类型的废物,危及贸易额约50亿美元。环境保护部认为这项禁令将减少污染。“但大多数中国回收企业消耗的废物来自于国内的资源,不是进口的”,南加州大学的Joshua Goldstein指出,“这不是真正的问题所在。”的确,依靠进口的回收者现在可以切换到国内较为肮脏的货物交易了。

  Grubby 肮脏的;邋遢的;污秽的;卑鄙的;可鄙的

  “This is going to be very hard on our industry,” says Adina Renee Adler of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries. As it is, Operation Green Fence has put lots of small recyclers out of business. Exporters will suffer too. Derek Kellenberg of the University of Montana says, “My suspicion is that the lower-quality stuff is more likely to end up in a landfill.”

  废料回收工业协会的Adina Renee Adler说: “这对我们的行业将是很无情的。”因此,资源回收公司绿色栅栏(Green Fence)已经把很多小回收业务剔除。出口商也将蒙受损失。蒙大拿大学的Derek Kellenberg说:“我怀疑低质量的东西很可能最后出现在在垃圾填埋场里。”





