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  Israel’s tech industry以色列科技产业

Talent search人才发掘

The “startup nation” is running out of steam


Jul 9th 2016 | JERUSALEM | From the print edition


  ISRAEL’S high-tech sector seems to be a land of milk and honey. Scarcely a month passes without another announcement of a foreign tech giant buying a local firm. In 2015 Israeli startups raised a record $4.4 billion in venture capital, up by 30% from the previous year. Yet the country once christened the “startup nation” is losing steam. Between 1998 and 2012 the tech industry grew on average by 9% annually, more than double the rate of Israel’s GDP. In all but one of the past six years, the tech sector has expanded at a slower rate than the overall economy.以色列的高科技产业看似是一个丰裕的产业,几乎每月都宣称有外国的科技巨头收购一家当地公司。2015年以色列创业企业中风险投资上升到创纪录的44亿美元,比前一年上升了9%。然而这个曾命名为“创业国度”的国家正渐失活力。在1998至2012年间,科技产业平均每年增长9%,是以色列GDP的两倍多。总体上看在过去的六年里只有一年,科技产业的扩张速度低于整体经济。

  land of milk and honey:肥沃而丰裕的土地;富饶之地christened: vt. 为…命名;为…施洗礼

  The main cause for the slowdown is a growing shortage of trained workers, according to a recent report by the chief economist of the ministry of finance. This may come as a surprise, given the country’s reputation for having a deep pool of tech talent, mainly because of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), which rely heavily on technology and churn out thousands of highly skilled workers. But a complex mix of social, educational and business factors is increasingly constraining the size of Israel’s tech workforce.据最新财务部的首席经济学家的一份报告,科技产业速度放缓的主要原因是受训工人越来越短缺。这可能会令人诧异,鉴于该国拥有深厚的技术人才库的声誉,主要缘于以色列国防军(IDF)在很大程度上依赖于技术并大量培育数以计千的技艺精湛工人。然而复杂的社会,教育和商业因素的混合正越来越多地约束以色列科技劳动力的规模。

  churn out 艰苦地做出;大量炮制constrain vt. 驱使;强迫;束缚

  There is a limit to the size of any industry a small country of only 8m people can sustain. Until recently, the tech industry was helped by two trends: academics and employees of state-owned industries moving into the private sector and the arrival of tens of thousands of Jewish engineers emigrating from the former Soviet Union. Both these sources of fresh talent have now dried up, even as others remain obstructed. Two growing parts of the Israeli population are underrepresented in the job market: Israeli Arabs and the ultra-Orthodox, who together make up around 25% of the population. Israel’s universities are producing fewer engineers, too: the share of graduates with science degrees is down from 12% in 1998 to 9% in 2014.对一个只能容纳800万人的小国家来说,任何一个行业的发展规模都是有限的。直到最近,科技行业得益于两个趋势:学术和国有企业的员工进入私营企业以及数以万计的来自前苏联的移民犹太人工程师的到来。即使其他因素在阻止这一进程,这两个新人才来源现在还是枯竭了。两个逐渐发展地区的以色列人口不能充分代表就业市场:总计达到人口25%左右的以色列阿拉伯人和极端正统派人。以色列大学培育的工程师也更少了:科学技术学位的毕业生所占份额从1998年的12%下降到2014年的9%。

  At the same time, demand for skilled tech workers continues to grow, and not just in the private sector. The IDF need to keep their trained operatives longer, for instance to expand their cyber-warfare capabilities. Competition for such personnel is fierce: many are snapped up by firms offering twice the pay the army does.与此同时,对技术娴熟的工人的需求继续增长,不仅仅是私营企业而已。例如,以色列国防军需要保持拥有训练有素特工,以扩展网络作战能力。这样的人才竞争是激烈的:许多人才被公司以比军队多两倍的薪酬而挖掘了。

  Moreover, the Israeli tech industry doesn’t make the best use of the talent available. Many workers want to start their own firm, rather than toiling at a big one, meaning that most firms are tiny with only a handful of employees. Israeli entrepreneurs also tend to seek swift “exits” and quickly sell their startup to foreign companies. As a result, the country’s tech firms are not creating training schemes, points out Yigal Erlich of Yozma, the outfit that seeded many Israeli venture-capital funds.此外,以色列科技产业没有充分利用现有人才。许多工人想要创立自己的公司,而不是在大公司里苦干,这意味着大部分公司规模相当小,员工屈指可数。以色列企业家也更愿意迅速寻找“出口”并快速将他们的创业公司卖给外资企业。因此, 创立了许多以色列风险投机基金的机构Yozma的Yigal Erlich指出,国家的科技公司没有建立人才培养计划。

  toil vi. 辛苦工作

  The government has started to take action. Naftali Bennett, the education minister and a former high-tech entrepreneur himself, has launched an emergency plan to boost the number of students studying mathematics. For the first time in Israeli history, government economists are considering long-term work visas for foreign engineers. The IDF, for their part, have streamlined their training courses and now provide soldiers with the option of online distance-learning, so they can enhance their skills on the job. “But there is a limit to what we can do. Conscription is down due to demographic reasons and few of the new conscripts arrive with basic tech skills,” says Danny Bren, a former commander of the IDF’s Lotem Unit, the main provider of computer and networking services for the army.以色列政府已经开始采取行动。教育部部长Naftali Bennett,同时他自身之前是一个高新技术企业家,他已启动了紧急计划来增加学生学习数学的数量。以色列历史上首次,政府的经济学家将考虑外国工程师的长期工作签证。对于以色列国防军他们来说,已经改进了他们的培训课程和为现在的士兵提供选择在线远程学习,所以士兵可以在工作中提高他们的技能。以色列国防军的Lotem Unit单位,该单位主要为军队提供计算机和网络服务,其前任指挥官Danny Bren表示,“但是我们所能做的是有限的。由于人口的原因和一些新的新兵必备基础技能,征兵数量下滑。”

  Israel may have to take still more radical steps. One could be to provide more Israeli Arabs and ultra-Orthodox Jews with the skills necessary to work in the tech industry. Another potential source of talent are the more than 4m Palestinians living in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, over 50,000 of whom are already allowed to work in Israel, but mainly on building sites and other low-paid jobs. Before Israel imports engineers from Asia, it should consider its closest neighbours.以色列或许不得不采取更为激进的做法。一个可能会是提供更多的以色列阿拉伯人和拥有在技术行业工作的必需技能的超正统派犹太人的做法。在以色列从亚洲引进工程师之前,它应该考虑它最亲密的邻居。





