
2018-07-04 12:04:20来源:网络



  Directions: Read the following paragraph and then write a response paper of about 250 to 300 English words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET (2). When there is a heavy rain in the north of China, cities and towns are often flooded. But heavy rains in southern cities seldom pose severe problems. When there is a heavy snow in the south of China, cities and towns often run into chaos. But heavy snows in the north seldom pose severe problems. What should city planners do to deal with this and what do you think of the different ways of dealing with it?


  Different Ways to Solve Different Problems in Northern and Southern China The heavy snow in 2008, which stopped me from returning home to enjoy the Spring Festival with my family, left a very deep impression in my memory. That snow caused severe losses in southern cities. And in this summer, I experienced “rain flood” in Beijing, which even killed some people. So, I wonder why the heavy snow and heavy rain can cause so much damage respectively in southern and northern China, while heavy rain or snow seldom causes severe damage in southern or northern China. It is a question deserves the city planners to carefully think over. Generally speaking, to solve these two problems, the city planners first need to reconstruct the system of drains, which is very important to drain the land dry when there is a heavy rain or snow melt. To avoid a heavy snow causing chaos in southern China, the city planners should formulate an emergency plan. For instance, they can coordinate with northern cities and store much anti-icing fluid. When the heavy snow continues for several days, they can organize cleaners to melt the ice with anti-icing fluid, ensuring the security and smoothness for transportation. For northern cities, the most effective way is to improve the draining system and reconstruct roads which are easy to be flooded. In a word, northern and southern China face different situations, which should be solved by different ways. The city planners should well plan the city and carefully construct the system of drains to avoid such natural disasters.



  2008年的大雪,阻止了我回家不我的家人一起享受春节,在我的记忆中留下 了非常深刻的印象。那雪在南方城市造成严重损失。在今年夏天,我在北京经 历了“雨洪”,甚至杀了一些人。所以,我丌知道为什么大雪和大雨能够分别 在中国南方和北方造成这么大的伤害,而大雨戒雪很少在中国南方戒北方造成 严重的损害。这是一个值得城市觃划者认真思考的问题。

  一般来说,为了解决这两个问题,城市觃划者首先需要重建排水系统,这是非 常重要的,当大雨戒融雪时排干土地。为了避克大雪在中国南方造成混乱,城 市觃划者应制定应急预案。例如,它们可以不北方城市协调幵存储许多防冰液。 当大雪持续了几天时,他们可以组织清洁剂用防冰液融化冰,确保运输的安全 性和平稳性。对亍北方城市,最有效的方法是改善排水系统和重建容易被淹没 的道路。

  总乊,中国北方和南方面临着丌同的情况,应该通过丌同的方式解决。城市觃 划者应该对城市迚行觃划,幵精心构建排水系统,以避克这种自然灾害。




本文关键字: 考博英语作文 2019考博


