
2021-03-04 14:11:00来源:哈尔滨工业大学



  My Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Changguo Wang

Ph.D Supervisor in Engineering Mechanics

Deputy Director of Center for Composite Materials

National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Composites in Special Environments

School of Astronautics

Harbin Institute of Technology




复合材料与结构研究所 副所长

哈工大 航天学院

近年来,主要围绕柔性体力学及其在航天航空、新能源与机器人等领域的应用开展研究,作为项目负责人主持承担国家自然科学基金、高分国家重大科技专项、科工局民用航天预研、军科委基础加强与创新特区项目等项目。第一发明人授权发明专利30余项,技术转化应用10余项。成果发表于JMPS、IJSS、JAM、EML、Roy. Soc. Proceedings A、IJES、IJMS、AIAA J., AA和CJA等力学与航天领域学术期刊。担任Front. Mater. (2015-)、J.Appl.Comp.Math.(2016-)、航空学报及CJA(航空学报英文版)(2019-)、J. Textile Sci. Eng.(2019-)、J. Aerospace Eng. Mech.(2020-)等学术期刊编委。担任黑龙江省力学学会和复合材料学会理事、中国复合材料学会青年工作委员会委员等职务。担任哈尔滨工业大学校督导组督导专家、校素质教育委员会委员、力学学科大类委员会委员。担任航空工业哈飞复合材料工程应用研究实验室技术专家。曾获军队/国防/教育部科技奖励6项、黑龙江省青年科技奖。提名全国百篇优秀博士学位论文。曾入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划、国家级高层次人才计划。


Changguo Wang is a tenured professor in Center for Composite Materials, National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Composites in Special Environments, School of Astronautics at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China. Professor Wang was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China. He received the B.S. degree in Engineering Management from Shenyang Jianzhu University, China in 2002; the M.E. and Ph.D degrees in Engineering Mechanics from Harbin Institute of Technology, China in 2004 and 2007, respectively. Wang was a visiting scholar in Institute of Lightweight Structures, Technische Universit?t München in Munich in 2009.

His current research interests are focused on the mechanics of flexible structures and its applications on the field of aerospace spacecraft and aircraft, new energy resources, robots etc.. Professor Wang currently serves as the member of councisl in Society of Mechanics and Society of Composite of Heilongjiang Province, a member of young working committee of Chinese society for composite materials. He is the senior member of the Chinese society of theoretical and applied mechanics, a member of AIAA, IASS, IJAM and ShellBuckling. He is the Editoral board of Front.Mater.(2015-), J.Appl.Comp.Math.(2016-), CJA(2019-), J. Textile Sci. Eng.(2019-), J. Aerospace Eng. Mech.(2020-). He has served as an organizing committee member, technical program committee member, or scientific committee member for several international conferences, such as MECHCOMP3, M2D2017, MDCE 2016, MEME2016, MSCE2016, and CAC2014, etc.. He was the keynote/session speakers for several international conferences, such as MME2016, MSCE2016, IAC2014, AIAA SDM2013, and TCIS2013, etc.. He is the first or corresponding author of over 100 papers in top academic journals such as JMPS, IJSS, JAM, EML, Roy. Soc. Proceedings A, IJES, IJMS, AIAA J., AA, and CJA, etc.. He is a referee for thirty international journals, such asNC, IJSS, JAM, IJMS, Strain, JAE, MAMS, Carbon, NS, AIAA J., IJNME, AMS, CJA, etc..

He was supported by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (2011) and National special support program for high-level personnel recruitment (Ten-thousand Talents Program 2019).


2007.09, the second prize of military scientific and technological progress award


2008.09, 哈工大第十届优秀博士学位论文;

2009.09, the nomination award of top 100 outstanding doctoraldissertations in China


2009.11, 哈工大第三届青年教师教学基本功竞赛一等奖;

2011.01, 航院2010年度何鸿燊奖教金(SHAFT);

2011.11, the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University


2012.07, 哈工大基础研究杰出人才培育计划III类;

2012.11, the third prize of military scientific and technological progress award


2012.12, 校优秀专兼职工作者;

2013.09, 哈尔滨工业大学教学新秀奖;

2013.11, the second prize of National Defense Technology Invention Award


2013.12, the outstanding youth talent plan of HIT


2014.10, the second prize of military scientific and technological progress award


2017.02, 黑龙江省高校科技奖一等奖;

2017.05, 全国创新争先奖牌(团队核心成员);


2018.01, 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖技术发明奖二等奖;

2019.05, National special support program for high-level personnel recruitment (Ten-thousand Talents Program)






CCMS, School of Astronautics, HIT




Post-doctorial Stations, School of Materials, HIT



University of Manitoba, Q. Wang院士课题组,交流访问


Institute of Lightweight Structures, Technische Universitat München, Munich, Germany (TUM-LLB)慕尼黑工业大学轻型结构实验室,H.Baier教授课题组,访问学者


2004.4-2007.4, Engineering Mechanics, HIT, Ph.D


2002.9-2004.4, Engineering Mechanics, HIT, M.E.


1998.9-2002.7, Engineering Management, SJU, B.S.


























我校复合材料与结构研究所王长国教授与美国布朗大学高华健教授合作研究成果《薄膜/塑性基底的褶皱和棘轮行为:锂电池中固态电解质界面的失稳》(Wrinkling and ratcheting of a thin film on cyclically deforming plastic substrate: mechanical instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries)发表在固体力学领域顶级期刊《Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids》(JMPS,影响因子3.566)上。该论文首次实现了薄膜/塑性基底弹塑性失稳问题的理论建模与求解,揭示了褶皱、棘轮与安定的多模式耦联作用机制。论文第一作者为航天学院2014级博士生刘远鹏,导师为王长国教授,我校为第一完成单位,王长国教授和高华健教授为论文的共同通讯作者。

特种环境复合材料技术创新团队 荣获首届全国创新争先奖牌(团队)











转自 http://blog.renren.com/share/231505137/12421601364






  Research interests(研究方向)

Prof. Wang's major research interests are focused on the instability mechanics of flexible structures and its applications on the aerospace spacecraft and aircrafts, new energy resources, robots and so on. Some methods including the finite difference method, the continue bifurcation method, the phasefield method, the mechaine learning method are used in our theoretical studies. Three research directions are classified as (1) instability and shape maintenance of inflated tensegrity. The theoritical studies are focused on the wrinkling bifurcation, kinking instability and post-wrinkling vibration. The applicatons are concerned on the gossamer/inflatable aerospace aircraft, the near space light-than-air aircraft/aerostat, inflated robots etc. (2) buckling and control of Ori/Kiri structures. The theoritical interests are laied on the folding snap instability of curved surface, twin instabilty and the deployment dynamics. The applicatons are concentrated on the metamaterials, the nanoscale devices, the deployment of large-scale flexible aerospace spacecraft, etc. (3) instabiligy and control of soft strcutures. The theoritical concerns are on the racheting instabiligy, dendrite instability, cavitation instabiligy, multiphase coupled instability, delamination and fracture. The applications are interested in the safety of lithium battery and soft robots etc.






(相关论文:IJSS,2018,2013,2009,2007; IJMS,2017:120,2017:126,2016,2015,2013; PRSA-MP,2016; JSV,2016; AIAA J,2020,2019,2015; CJA,2020)



(相关论文:IJSS,2020,2018; IJES,2016; IJMS,2020; CARBON,2016; CPB-E,2018)



(相关论文:JMPS,2019; IJSS,2016; SM,2017,2018; CS,2017:161,2017:174; APL,2016)








Undergraduate courses

Mechanics of Deformable Solid (Elastic and Plastic Mechanics) (Autumn course).

Mechanics of Composite Materials (Spring course).

Flexible Materials and Structures (Autumn course).

Graduate courses

Mechanics of Composite Materials and structures (Master)

Advanced Composite Structures (Doctor)

High Temperature Solid Mechnics (Doctor)









《复合材料专业校内外实习基地建设的研究与实践》. 省科技厅“黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目”. (JG2012010177). 李金平, 韩杰才, 孟松鹤,张宇民, 王长国. 2012-2014.

《研究生实践教学的研究》. 校“研究生教学改革项目”. 王荣国, 李金平, 孙跃, 王长国, 梁媛媛. 2010-2012.



  1. 王长国(主编)等,《飞行器薄膜结构屈曲稳定性》,2019/2020, ISBN 978-7-5603-7600-4. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社.

  2. 王长国(主编)等,《空间薄膜结构的皱曲、弯折与振动》,202006, ISBN 978-7-5603-7648-6. 哈尔滨工业大学出版社.

  3. 侯中喜(组长),王长国(编写组成员)等,《平流层飞艇技术》,2020,ISBN 978-7-03-062622-6. 科学出版社.

The selected papers.

  1. Y.P.Liu, K.Guo, C.G.Wang*, H.J.Gao*. Wrinkling and ratcheting of a thin film on cyclically deforming plastic substrate: mechanical instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries. Journal of the Mechanics of Physics and Solids. 2019,123:103-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmps.2018.08.006

  2. Y.P.Liu,K.Guo, C.G.Wang*, J.C.Han, H.J.Gao*. Concentration dependent properties and plastic deformation facilitate instability of the solid-electrolyte interphase in Li-ion batteries. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020,198:99-109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.04.013

  3. Z.M.Xue. C.G.Wang*, H.F.Tan. Articulated surface wrinkling of a patterned film with periodic stiffness distribution on a compliant substrate. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 200-201, 132-144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.05.021

  4. M. X. Liu, C. G. Wang*, X. D. Li, Rigid-flexible contact analysis of an inflated balloon with various contact conditions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018, 144-145: 218-229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.05.004

  5. Z. M. Xia, C. G. Wang*, H. F. Tan, Elastoplastic folding behavior of membrane ribbon based on plane strain beam theory. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018,143:167-174. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2018.03.004

  6. Z. M. Xia, C. G. Wang*, H. F. Tan, Quasi-static unfolding mechanics of a creased membrane based on a finite deformation crease-beam model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020,207:104-112.

  7. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, H. F. Tan,Global and local interactive buckling behavior of a stiff film/compliant substrate system. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 102-103: 176-185. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.10.006

  8. Y.F.Wang, C.G.Wang. Buckling of Ultrastretchable Kirigami Metastructures for Mechanical Programmability and Energy Harvesting. International Journal of Solids and Structures,2021,213:93-102,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2020.12.018

  9. C. G. Wang, L. Lan, Y. P. Liu, H. F. Tan.Vibration characteristics of wrinkled single-layered graphene sheets.International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2013, 50(10):1812-1823.

  10. C. G. Wang, X. W. Du, H. F. Tan, X. D. He,A New Computational Method for Wrinkling Analysis of Gossamer Space Structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46(6):1516-1526.

  11. C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan, X. W. Du and Z. M. Wan. Wrinkling Prediction of Rectangular Shell-Membrane under Transverse In-Plane Displacement. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44(20): 6507-6516.

  12. Y. F. Wang, C. G. Wang*, H. F. Tan. Geometry-dependent stretchability and stiffness of ribbon kirigami based on large curvature curved beam model. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020,182-183:236-253, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2019.08.007.

  13. T.Ma, Y.P.Liu, G.C.Lin, C.G.Wang, H.F.Tan, A finite element based coarse-grained model for cell-nanomaterial interactions by combining absolute nodal coordinate formula and Brownian dynamics. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2021,88(4):041002. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4049143.

  14. Z.M.Xue, C.G.Wang, et al., Controlled surface wrinkling as a novel strategy for the compressibility-tunable PZT film-based energy harvesting system. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2021,42:101102.

  15. Y.P. Liu, C.G. Wang*, H. F. Tan. The interactive bending wrinkling behaviour of inflated beams.P. Roy. Soc. A-Math. Phy. 2016, 472: 20160504.

  16. Q.Tao, C.G.Wang*, et al., Mixed-mode bending of a smart reconfigurable lattice structure with bi-directional corrugated core. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020,185:105848. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.105848

  17. J.T.Kang*, Y.Q.Xu, C.G.Wang*. Instability and stress analysis for cavitation in soft graded elastic solids. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020, 188: 105934. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2020.105934.

  18. C.G.Wang,L.Lan, H.F.Tan. Mode jumping analysis of thin film secondary wrinkling. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2015,104:138-146.

  19. C. G. Wang, L. Lan, H. F. Tan. Secondary Wrinkling Analysis of Rectangular Membrane under Shearing. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2013,75:299-304.

  20. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu, L. Lan, L. Li. H. F. Tan, Post-wrinkling analysis of a torsionally sheared annular thin film by using a compound series method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2016,110:22-33.

  21. C.G.Wang, M. X. Liu, H. F. Tan. Bending wrinkling and kink behaviors of inflated beam under local uniform loadings. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2017,120:136-148.

  22. Q.X.Ji, C.G.Wang*, H.F. Tan. Multi-scale wrinkling analysis of the inflated beam. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2017(126):1-11.

  23. H.F.Tan,J.T.Kang,and C.G.Wang*.Study on grooved wall flow under rarefied condition using Lattice Boltzmann Method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2015,90:1-5.

  24. Y. F. Wang,C. G. Wang*, Effect of temperature difference on the mechanical responses of ribbon kirigami: Toward the highly stretchable conductors. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2020,168:105301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2019.105301

  25. C. G. Wang, Z. M. Xia, H. F. Tan. An improved molecular structure mechanics method and its application for graphene wrinkling. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2016, 106:168-178.

  26. C.G.Wang,Y.P.Liu,L.Lan and H.F.Tan.Free transverse vibration of a wrinkled annular thin film by using finite difference method.Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2016,363:272-284.

  27. J.T.Kang, C.G.Wang*, et al., Drying-induced pressure rise and fracture mechanics modeling of the sphagnum capsule. Accepted on line by International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2020

  28. L. Lan, C. G. Wang* and H. F. Tan. Experiment and evaluation of wrinkling strain in a corner tensioned square membrane. Acta Mech.Sinica. 2014,30(3):430-436.

  29. C.G. Wang, M.X. Liu, H.F. Tan. Interactive buckling of inflated envelope under mechanical and thermal loads. Acta Mech. Sinica.. 2016. doi:10.1007/s10409-016-0615-x

  30. C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan and X. D. He. Wrinkle-Crease Interaction Behavior Simulation of A Rectangular Membrane under Shearing. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2011,27(4): 550-558.

  31. C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan and X. W. Du. Pseudo-Beam Method for Compressive Buckling Characteristics Analysis of Space Inflatable Load-Carrying Structures. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2009, 25(5):659-668.

  32. C. G. Wang, H. F. Tan, X. W. Du and X. D. He. A New Model for Wrinkling and Collapse Analysis of Membrane Inflated Beam. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2010,26(4):617-623.

  33. C.G. Wang, M.X. Liu, H.F. Tan. Interactive buckling of an inflated envelope under mechanical and thermal loads. Acta Mech. Sinica., 2017, 33(1): 159-172.

  34. C. G. Wang, Z. M. Xia, and H. F. Tan. InitialShape Design and Stability Analysis of Rib for Inflatable Deployable Reflector. AIAA Journal. 2015,53(2):486-492.

  35. Q.Tao, C.G.Wang, H.F.Tan. Mixed Triangle Lattice Reinforced Membrane Antenna Reflector: Design and Analysis. AIAA Journal. 2020,58:1987-1900.

  36. Ji Zhang, Shuo Liu, Lamei Zhang*, and Changguo Wang. Origami-Based Metasurfaces: Design and Radar Cross Section Reduction. AIAA Journal, 2020,58:5478-5482. doi: doi/abs/10.2514/1.J059547

  37. Y. Z. Shen, G. C. Lin, C. G. Wang and H. F. Tan. Shape Adjustment of Flexible Rib for Large Deployable Reflector. AIAA Journal. 2019,58(3):1-4. doi: 10.2514/1.J058113.

  38. Y. C. Zhang, C. G. Wang*. Light weight optimization of the stratospheric airship envelope based on the reliability analysis. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2020,33(10):2670-2678. (highlight paper)

  39. Ji Zhang, Changguo Wang, et al., Pressure-induced instability and its coupled aeroelasticity of inflated pillow. 2021 Accepted by Chinese Journal of Aeronautics.

  40. W.Gao, J.Zhang, T.Ma, G.Lin, Y.Liu, C.Wang, H.Tan. A novel inflatable rings supported design and buoyancy-weight balance deformation analysis of stratosphere airships. 2021 Accepted by Chinese Journal of Aeronautics.

  41. C. G. Wang, J. Xie, H. F. Tan.The Modal Analysis and Modal Behavior Investigations on the Wrinkled Membrane Inflated Beam. Acta Astronautica, 2012,81:660-666.

  42. Q. Tao, C. G. Wang*, Z. M. Xue, Z. M. Xie, H. F. Tan. Wrinkling and collapse of mesh reinforced membrane inflated beam under bending. Acta Astronautica. 2016,128: 551-559.

  43. C. G. Wang, Z. Y. Du and H. F. Tan.Initial wrinkling and its evolution of membrane inflated cone in bending. Thin-walled structures, 2012,59:97-102.

  44. Z.M.Xue, C.G.Wang*, J.T.Kang, H.F.Tan. Buckling and wrinkling analysis of inflated arch based on Pseudo Curved Beam model. Thin-walled structures. 2018,131: 336-346.

  45. J.T.Kang, C.G. Wang*, Z.M.Xue, M.X.Liu, H.F.Tan, Buckling Delamination Induced Microchannel: Flow Regulation in Microfluidic Devices. Appl. Phys. Lett., 2016,109:103503.

  46. C.G.Wang, J.T.Kang, Z.M.Xue, H.F.Tan, Buckling induced delamination and microflow analysis of film/substrate system. Composite Structures. 2017,161:8-14.

  47. Y. P. Liu, C.G.Wang*, H .F. Tan. Growth from buckling to buckling-driven delamination in a film/substrate system with finite thickness. Composite Structures. 2017,174:292-300.

  48. C.G.Wang, Y.F.Wang, The mechanical design of a hybrid intellegent hinge with shape memory polymer and spring sheet. Compos. Part.B: Engineering. 2018,134:1-8.

  49. C. G. Wang and H. F .Tan. Experiment and numerical studies on wrinkling control of inflated beam using SMA wires. Smart Mater. Struct., 2010, 19(10):105019(9pages).

  50. C.G.Wang,Y. P. Liu, J. Al-Ghalith, T. Dumitric?, M. K. Wadee, H .F. Tan. Buckling behavior of carbon nanotubes under bending: from ripple to kink, Carbon, 2016,102:224-235.

  51. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu. L. Lan, H. F. Tan. Graphene wrinkling: formation, evolution and collapse. Nanoscale, 2013, 5:4454-4461.

  52. C. G. Wang, Y. P. Liu. L. Li, H. F. Tan. Anisotropic thermal conductivity of graphene wrinkles. Nanoscale, 2014, 6:5703-5707.

  53. J.T. Kang, C.G. Wang*, H.F. Tan, Cavitation in inhomogeneous soft solids. Soft Matter, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/C8SM01464G.

  54. J.T.Kang, C.G.Wang*, S.Q.Cai. Cavitation to Fracture Transition in a Soft Solid. Soft Matter. 2017,13:6372-6376.

  55. 王长国, 杜星文, 赫晓东. 空间充气薄膜结构的褶皱分析. 力学学报. 2008.(40)3:331-338.

  56. 王长国, 杜星文, 万志敏. 空间薄膜结构褶皱的数值模拟最新研究进展. 力学进展. 2007,37(3): 389-397.

  57. 杜星文, 王长国, 万志敏. 空间薄膜结构的褶皱研究进展. 力学进展. 2006,36(2):187-199.

  58. 王长国, 杜星文, 万志敏. 薄膜褶皱的非线性屈曲有限元分析. 计算力学学报. 2007,24(3):269-274.

  59. 王长国,卫剑征,刘宇艳,苗常青,林国昌,谢志民,王友善,杜星文,谭惠丰. 航天柔性展开结构技术及其应用研究进展. 宇航学报. 2020, 录用.

  Authorized invention patents


1. ZL201010235077.9, 通过修正奇异位移分量消除褶皱计算时刚度矩阵奇异性的方法. 王长国,谭惠丰,杜星文。申请日2010.07.23. 已公开,公开号CN101887492A,公开日2010.11.17. 授权日2012.05.30.

2. ZL201310572194.8, 薄膜拉剪耦合实验测试装置. 王长国, 兰澜, 张锦莱, 夏振猛, 陶强, 刘远鹏, 谭惠丰, 李云良. 申请日2013.11.15. 授权日2016.01.27.

3. ZL201210257425.1, 高精度充气膜结构设计方法. 王长国,崔宇佳,张磊,刘远鹏,谭惠丰。申请日2012.7.24.授权日2014.06.11.

4. ZL201210220314.3, 一种用于控制充气结构构型混编预张力索网的方法.王长国,张磊,刘远鹏,兰澜,谭惠丰。申请日2012.6.29. 授权日2014.01.22.

5. ZL201210187102.X. 一种用于超薄柔性膜材拉伸性能测试用的夹具. 王长国, 张磊, 刘远鹏, 兰澜, 谭惠丰. 申请日2012.06.08. 授权日2013.10.14.

6. ZL200810064518.6. 一种可刚化充气展开径向肋支撑式偏馈抛物面天线. 王长国,杜星文,谭惠丰,谢志民,苗常青,王友善。 申请日2008.05.16, 公开号CN101276961A.公开日2008.10.1. 授权日2012.08.15.

7. ZL201310667740.6. 一种可展开天线的带膜径向肋. 王长国, 谭惠丰, 兰澜, 夏振猛, 杜星文. 申请日2013.12.07. 授权日2016.02.17.

8. ZL201210479077.2, 充放气式气囊展卷装置. 王长国,周涛,刘远鹏,夏振猛,龚芃,谭惠丰;申请日2012.11.22. 授权日2014.02.07.

9. ZL201310707375.7. 一种可微调节间距的径向肋板及调节方法. 王长国, 谭惠丰, 兰澜, 夏振猛, 刘远鹏, 陶强. 申请日2013.12.20. 授权日2015.08.19.

10. ZL201310182550.5, 排阵式悬索控型刚柔混合式类翼伞柔性充气机翼无人机. 王长国,刘远鹏,龚芃,芦强强,油孝飞,谢超,谭惠丰;申请日2013.5.17. 授权日2015.12.02.

11. ZL201210478594.8, 一种落丝阵式可充气展开机翼. 王长国, 刘远鹏, 夏振猛, 龚芃, 谭惠丰;申请日2012.11.22. 授权日 2016.01.20.

12. ZL201510311216.4. 纵向支撑管与倾斜椭圆环贯通式连接组成的飞艇支撑结构. 王长国,薛智明,谭惠丰,刘远鹏,陶强,吉庆祥. 申请日2015.06.09. 授权日 2017.01.04.

13. ZL201510250708.7. 基于S型索网络约束的排环支撑式软式飞艇支撑结构. 王长国, 谭惠丰, 薛志明, 林国昌,卫剑征,刘远鹏. 申请日2015.5.18. 授权日2017.3.8

14. ZL201710257442.8.基于柱状充气囊的可重复柔性航天服关节加劲装置及其使用方法. 王长国,谭惠丰,王亚飞,康敬天。申请日2017.04.19. 授权日2019.07.26.

15. ZL201910662843.0. 一种由多稳态曲梁径向支撑的智能展开式天线反射面. 王长国,谭惠丰,张季,夏振猛,陶强。申请日2019.07.22. 授权日2020.10.02.

16. ZL201710329397.2. 一种肋网支撑可展开天线反射面及其设计方法. 王长国,谭惠丰,陶强,王亚飞,赵字会。申请日2017.05.11.授权日2020.11.24

17. ZL200810137344.1, 保形高空气球. 谭惠丰,王长国,杜振勇,林国昌,王超。申请日2008.01.17, 公开号CN101417705. 授权公告号 CN 101417705 B, 授权日2011.01.26.

18. ZL201010208004.0, 充气骨架空中展开式飞艇. 谭惠丰,王长国,王超,杜振勇,林国昌。申请日2010.06.24. 公开号CN101913424A,公开日2010.12.15.授权日20120905

19. ZL201310047872.9, 编织充气薄膜曲面限位网的模具及方法. 谭惠丰,王长国,林国昌,卫剑征,谢志民,苗常青;申请日2013.2.7. 授权日2014.07.09

20. .ZL201310565499.6, 径向肋充气展开天线的径向肋定位装置.谭惠丰,王长国,林国昌,兰澜,卫剑征,苗常青,谢志民,王友善,刘宇艳,赵树林;申请日2013.11.14. 授权日2015.05.06

21. ZL201310038554.6, 一种航天器用充气式径向肋天线尾杆连接件.谭惠丰,王长国,林国昌,卫剑征,谢志民,苗常青;申请日2013.1.31. 授权日2014.12.03

22. ZL201310106230.1, 一种径向可展开肋板机构的展开装置.谭惠丰,王长国,林国昌,卫剑征,谢志民,苗常青,赵树林;申请日2013.3.29. 授权日2014.12.10

23. ZL201310213705.7,一种用于径向肋板展开和收起的装置和方法,谭惠丰;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;谢志民;苗常青;刘宇艳;赵树林, 申请日2013.5.31. 授权日2015. 2.18

24. ZL201310213702.3, 一种用于制造径向展开肋板机构的方法,谭惠丰;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;谢志民;苗常青;刘宇艳;赵树林,2013.05.31. 授权日2015.9.9

25. ZL201310474616.8,非硬式平流层飞艇自由伸缩装置,谭惠丰;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;苗常青;谢志民;刘宇艳;赵树林,2013.10.14.授权日2015.07.08

26. ZL201310303691.8,大口径充气经向肋天线检测装置,谭惠丰;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;苗常青;谢志民;刘宇艳;赵树林, 2013.07.19.授权日2016.3.16.

27. ZL201210334165.3, 充气环结构多点向心加载试验装置.林国昌,谭惠丰,王长国,卫剑征,马腾. 申请日 2012.09.12. 授权日2014.10.15

28. ZL201310583342.6, 一种基于渐变厚度弹性板的星载抛物面反射天线的抛物面及其成形方法,谭惠丰,林国昌,王长国,卫剑征,康敬天,杨留义. 申请日2013.11.20. 授权日2015.3.11

29. ZL201310696325.3. 基于压弯成型的抛物柱面天线反射面及其实现抛物柱面的方法.谭惠丰,杨留义,王长国,康敬天,马瑞强.. 申请日:2013-12-18. 授权日2015-06-17.

30. ZL201310584659.1, 一种柔性抛物形天线的增强骨架,谭惠丰,林国昌,王长国,卫剑征,康敬天,杨留义. 申请日2013.11.20. 授权日2015.07.15

31. ZL201310583225.X, 一种带增强骨架的柔性抛物面星载天线,谭惠丰,林国昌,王长国,卫剑征,康敬天,杨留义. 申请日2013.11.20. 授权日2015.07.15

32. ZL201510424078.0用于空间充气展开天线地面测试的三轴加速传感器固定装置, 谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;赵树林. 申请日:2015-07-20, 授权日2017.11.07

33. ZL201310568378.7 一种用于高温热合机工作台的表面覆膜吸附固定装置.谭惠丰;兰澜;王长国;林国昌;卫剑征;苗常青;谢志民;刘宇艳;赵树林. 申请日20131115.授权日2016.3.16.

34. ZL201310087915.6, 一种由形状记忆合金和压电纤维复合材料组合驱动的可变后缘机翼.李承泽,尹维龙,王长国,李建军. 申请日2013.3.19. 授权日2015.1.7

35. ZL201310196729.6, 基于MFC的自适应后缘结构的控制装置.李承泽,尹维龙,王长国,董中杰,姚永涛. 申请日2013.5.24.授权日2015-05-06

36. ZL201710275483.X. 模块化平流层浮空岛. 谭惠丰,连尹,王长国,应鹏华。申请日2017.04.25. 授权日2019.06.04.

37. ZL200810137379.5, 一种折叠充气展开式太阳能电池帆板同步展开机构.谭惠丰,杜振勇,苗常青,王长国,林国昌,王超。申请日2008.10.24, 公开号CN 101383568.授权公告号 CN 101383568 B, 授权日2011.01.26.

38. ZL201110095479.8, 碳纤维基准尺固定装置,林国昌,谭惠丰,赵树林,王长国,卫剑征. 2011.4.15. 申请日20110415. 公开号CN102230565A. 公开日20111102. 授权日20120919.

39. ZL201310194582.7,一种用于DIC测量的双相机系统的标定板及其标定方法.林国昌;岳鹏阳;谭惠丰;王长国;卫剑征;申请日2013.05.23. 授权日20150909

40. ZL201110120793.7, 一种用于充气卫星的体装式抛物面天线, 苗常青,董昊,卫剑征,王长国,王友善,杜星文. 申请日2011.5.11. 公开号CN102280716A. 公开日20111214. 授权日20131016.

41. ZL201410071233.0,一种充气展开抛物柱面天线反射面,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140301. 授权日2016.02.24.

42. ZL201410082330.X,径向肋天线肋板及肋板与中心鼓的连接方法, 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140307. 授权日2016.01.20.

43. ZL201410173379.6,充气支撑管与铰链混合支撑展开星载抛物柱面天线,林国昌;谭惠丰;卫剑征;王长国. 20140428. 授权日2016.02.24.

44. ZL201310133265.4,一种可重复使用的变直径充气管密封端头盖.林国昌;岳鹏阳;谭惠丰;王长国;卫剑征. 申请日2013.04.17. 授权日2014108

45. ZL201210466973.5,直管逼近圆环()的掐褶方法.林国昌;兰澜;谭惠丰;王长国;卫剑征申请日2012.11.19. 授权日2015-01-21

46. ZL201410003816.X, 一种连接充气环用复式搭扣. 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140103.授权日2015.07.15

47. ZL201310619011.3, 一种径向肋天线的肋板尾端与桅杆连接方法. 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;赵树林;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民. 20131129. 授权日2015.08.19

48. ZL201410054473.X, 用于径向肋天线卷曲折叠定位桅杆的装置. 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140218.授权日20151118

49. ZL201410054488.6, 空间充气控制展开支撑臂卷曲折叠模具.谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140218. 授权日2015.08.5

50. ZL201410147513.5,充气展开径向肋天线的充气环与肋板连接时固定充气环的装置,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140414.授权日2015.12.30

51. ZL201410101681.0,大口径径向肋天线肋板的安装检测装置, 谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140319. 授权日2016.04.27

52. ZL201510228403.6,用于星载充气展开支撑环外皮接缝的压平装置,谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;于林;王东梅;赵树林. 20150507,授权日20170125

53. ZL201210168800.5, 飞艇蒙皮用TPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的热压印制备方法,刘宇艳, 刘少柱, 刘羽熙, 王长国, 谭惠丰, 马涛. 申请日2012.09.19. 2014-04-09授权

54. ZL201210168736.0, 飞艇蒙皮用具有减阻微沟槽结构的PUTPU薄膜,谭惠丰, 刘宇艳, 刘少柱, 王长国, 邢麒麟, 刘羽熙. 申请日2012.09.19. 授权日2014.10.15

55. ZL201210168749.8, 飞艇蒙皮用镀ALTPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的热压印制备方法,刘宇艳, 谭惠丰, 刘少柱, 王长国, 刘羽熙, 马涛. 申请日2012.09.19. 授权日2014.09.03

56. ZL201510012769.X. 大型空间充气球万向检测底座.谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;赵树林. 20150112, 授权日2016.01.06.

57. ZL201310713547.1. 一种径向肋充气展开天线用桅杆.谭惠丰; 林国昌; 卫剑征; 王长国; 兰澜;苗常青; 刘宇艳; 谢志民; 赵树林. 授权日2016.03.02.

58. ZL201410130083.6, 空间充气展开支撑臂内支撑条打磨装置,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140402.授权日2016.2.24.

59. ZL201410173364.X, 冰窟救生装置,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140428. 授权日2016.03.02.

60. ZL201510228403.6,用于星载充气展开支撑环外皮接缝的压平装置. 谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;于林;王东梅;赵树林. 20150507. 授权日2017.01.25.

61. ZL201510746423.2用于星载径向肋充气展开天线的充气支撑环. 谭惠丰;卫剑征;林国昌;王长国;赵树林.申请日2015-11-06。授权日2017.09.22.

62. ZL201510424078.0,用于空间充气展开天线地面测试的三轴加速传感器固定装置,谭惠丰,卫剑征,林国昌,王长国,赵树林。申请日2015.07.20授权日2017.11.07.

63. ZL201510123588.4. 一种径向肋天线的肋板尾端与桅杆的连接模具. 谭惠丰,林国昌,卫剑征,王长国,赵树林,苗常青,刘宇艳,谢志民。申请日2013.11.29. 授权日2017.05.24.

64. ZL201710275483.X,模块化平流层浮空岛,谭惠丰;连尹;王长国;应鹏华; 申请日2017/4/25,授权日2019/6/4

65. ZL201710100267.1,天基雷达可折叠展开天线反射面折展结构,谭惠丰;沈永正;卫剑征;王长国;董善亮。申请日2017/2/23。授权日2019/3/1

66. ZL201210168746.4, 飞艇蒙皮用Al层涂覆型TPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的热压印制备方法,刘宇艳, 谭惠丰, 刘少柱, 邢麒麟, 王长国, 刘羽熙. 申请日2012.09.19. 授权日2014.10.15

67. ZL201010288539.3, 快速可控充气释放机构,谭惠丰, 李云良, 周涛, 卫剑征, 王长国, 杜振勇. 申请日2010.09.21. 公开号CN102243038A. 公开日20111116. 授权日2013.11.06.

68. ZL201410120328.7,一种充气展开抛物柱面天线的卷曲折叠及充气展开结构,谭惠丰;林国昌;卫剑征;杨留义;王长国;苗常青;刘宇艳;谢志民;赵树林. 20140328.授权日2016.01.06.

69. ZL201210570451.X,空间站用充气桌,谭惠丰, 李云良, 赵树林, 林国昌, 王长国, 王东海. 申请日2013.03.20. 授权日20141210.

70. ZL201710458310.1. 可展开的分叉式肋板高精度反射面. 卫剑征,丁海鑫,谭惠丰,林国昌,王长国。申请日2017.06.16. 授权日2020.03.13.

71. ZL201210168779.9, 飞艇蒙皮用镀TiO2PUTPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的制备方法,刘宇艳, 马涛, 刘少柱, 刘羽熙, 刘振国, 王长国, 谭惠丰.中国,. 申请日2012.09.12. 2014-06-11授权

72. ZL201210417576.9,太空飞行器快速充气展开薄膜支撑管, 谭惠丰,李云良,卫剑征赵树林林国昌王长国. 申请日2012.10.26. 授权日2014.08.13

73. ZL201110171685.2, 一种双Ω形碳纤维复合材料充气伸展臂,卫剑征,谭惠丰,谢志民,刘宇艳,林国昌,王长国,余建新. 申请日2011.6.23. 授权日20141210.

74. ZL201310128537.1,一种测试K型复合材料接头强度的试验夹具,谭惠丰;罗锡林;林国昌;田振辉;卫剑征;王长国; 申请日2013.04.15.授权日20150422.

75. ZL201410848727.5。星载柱面天线反射面角度与位移解耦加载试验用基座。谭惠丰;杨留义;林国昌;沈永正;卫剑征;王长国。申请日20141231,授权日20160914.

76. ZL201210168760.4, 飞艇蒙皮用TiO2涂覆型PUTPU薄膜减阻微沟槽的制备方法,刘宇艳, 谭惠丰, 马涛, 刘振国, 刘羽熙, 刘少柱, 王长国. 申请日2012.09.19.授权日2014.3.21.

77. ZL201410849899.4。星载柱面天线反射面角度与位移独立加载实验装置。谭惠丰;沈永正;林国昌;杨留义;陈雪岩;卫剑征;王长国。申请日20141231,授权日20161005.


