
2019-02-21 14:17:48来源:网络



The partygoerswho gathered on a small farm outside campus were not your typical gaggleof business school students. Sure, some would soon move on to plum jobs at investment banks and oilcompanies, but instead of traditionally celebrating their success, they optedfor a "sellout party."The event was held by students at the University of Michigan ErbInstitute, a three-year, dual-degree program between the university's businessand natural resources schools. Most of the institute's students areenvironmental advocates first, business people second, yet see the importanceof money in making a difference. They represent a small but growing cadre ofM.B.A.-wielding social activists who plan to bring about change, onePowerPoint presentation at a time.

Greg Shopoff, a third-year student at the ErbInstitute, studied geology at Colorado College and brieflyconsidered going into environmental law. But he found the legal profession tooslow for his tastes and opted for business school. "If you can harness theimpact of business for good," he says, "you have the potential forlarger-scale change in a shorter period of time." More students have begunthinking like Shopoff, and business schools clearly see the shift. At the ErbInstitute, director Tom Lyon notes the program has grown from five new studentsa year to as many as 25. The sheernumber of business school classes like Corporate Social Responsibility andCompetitive Environmental Strategy is up across the country, and schoolofficials say students are asking for more conferences, lectures, and workshopson social and environmental stewardship. "This generation hasgrown up with a much higher global awareness," says Kriss Deiglmeier,director of the Stanford School of Business Center for Social Innovation."They see what kind of problems we're facing and want to be engaged insolving them."

On the hiring side of the job market, recruitersfrom both non- and for-profits are looking increasingly for this type ofmultifaceted talent. In the nonprofit sector, the push makes good businesssense. More money is now at stake within mission-based organizations than justa couple of years ago, and nonprofits compete more fiercely with one anotherfor funds and with corporations for government contracts. "A decade ago,nonprofits would not have appreciated as much how useful an M.B.A. wouldbe," says Sharon Oster, director of the Yale School of Management Programon Social Enterprise. "Now there are more opportunities for M.B.A. gradsto move into that sector."

Corporations provide the rest of the rising demandfor these students, especially as they see that environmental values can helpboost the bottom line. Both companies and environmental consulting groups arehiring. Environmental Defense–a nonprofit advocacy group that partnered withFedEx to promote its hybrid electric fleet and also helped McDonald's phase outStyrofoam packaging–actively seeks out multidisciplinary employees whounderstand environmental issues but use business acumen to address them.

The intersection between financial know-how andsocial responsibility is not really new–just look at the number of CEOs on theboards of nonprofits and charities. But as M.B.A. programs have stepped up,schools serve not only as the nexus between corporateAmericaand students but also asthe link between business savvy andthe need for social and environmental advocacy.

  1. Students at the University of Michigan Erb Institute held the party probably in order to_____

  [A] promote the three-year, dual-degree program.

  [B] attract the attention of investment banks and oil companies.

  [C] work out measures to solve environmental problems.

  [D] raise a fund for environmental protection.

  2. Greg Shopoff chose to study business rather than environmental law because_____

  [A] he was more interested in business than in legal profession.

  [B] he thought business was a shortcut for him to become an influential person.

  [C] he wanted to solve the environmental problems through business that he can make better use of.

  [D] he thought legal procedures is not efficient in harnessing the impact of business for good.

  3. Nonprofits need to hire more M.B.A. graduates now than a decade ago because_____

  [A] there are more vacancies in nonprofits than before.

  [B] nonprofits are now also doing business to earn more money.

  [C] nonprofits need to be more efficient so as to be more competitive.

  [D] nonprofits have to compete with for-profits for funds now.

  4. The case of Environmental Defense implies that _____

  [A] nonprofit is united with for-profit to make common efforts in environment protection.

  [B] corporations are in great need of multifaceted organizations to work with companies on environmental issues.

  [C] nonprofit organizations are switching more attention on environmental business.

  [D] nonprofit organizations are helping business to be more environmentally friendly through business practices.

  5. By this passages, the author tries to show that_____

  [A] business world is turning its attention to integrating business with environmental issues.

  [B] business corporations can be united with nonprofits in environmental protection.

  [C] multidisciplinary students are increasingly popular in nonprofits as well as in corporations.

  [D] there is a trend for business students to making use of business acumen for advocating environmental protection.




  gaggle n.一群 plum n. 好东西,好工作

  wield v. 支配, 掌握 sheer adj. 绝对的

  stewardship n. 工作, 职位 acumen n. 洞察力

  savvy n. 实际知识


  (1) Sure, some would soon move on to plum jobs at investment banks and oil companies, but instead of traditionally celebrating their success, they opted for a "sellout party."

  [主体句式] Some would move on…, but they opted for…

  [结构分析] 这是一个复杂句,后面分句中instead of …是句子的状语。

  [句子译文] 当然他们中很快有人就会去投资银行或石油公司从事好的工作,但是他们现在并不是在庆祝自己成功就业,而是在选择一个“宣传会”的形式。

  (2) The sheer number of business school classes like Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitive Environmental Strategy is up across the country, and school officials say students are asking for more conferences, lectures, and workshops on social and environmental stewardship.

  [主体句式] The sheer number is up and school officials say…

  [结构分析] 这是一个并列句;前面分局中,like…是做school classes的定语;后面一个分句有一个宾语从句。

  [句子译文] 全国各地商业学校都在开更多像“共同社会责任”、“竞争环境策略”之类的课程,学院官员称学生希望有更多有关社会和环境工作的会议、讲座及研讨会。


  1. Students at the University of Michigan Erb Institute held the party probably in order to_____1. 密歇根大学Erb学院的学生举办这次聚会是为了_____

  [A] promote the three-year, dual-degree program.[A] 宣传为期三年的双学位项目。

  [B] attract the attention of investment banks and oil companies.[B] 吸引投资银行和石油公司的注意。

  [C] work out measures to solve the environmental problems.[C] 找出解决环境问题的方法来。

  [D] raise a fund for environmental protection.[D] 为环境保护募集基金。


  [难度系数] ☆


  2. Greg Shopoff chose to study business rather than environmental law because_____2. Greg Shopoff 选择学习商业而不是学习环境法是因为_____

  [A] he was more interested in business than in legal profession.[A] 他对商业比对法律更感兴趣。

  [B] he thought business was a shortcut for him to become an influential person.[B]他认为学习商业是使自己成为有影响人士的捷径。

  [C] he wanted to solve the environmental problems through business that he can make better use of.[C]他想要通过利用商业手段来解决环境问题。

  [D] he thought legal procedures can not harness the impact of business for good.[D]他认为法律程序不能阻止商业对环境的影响。


  [难度系数] ☆☆☆


  3. Nonprofits need to hire more M.B.A. graduates now than a decade ago because_____3. 相比十几年前,非盈利组织需要雇佣更多的工商管理硕士毕业生这是因为_____

  [A] there are more vacancies in nonprofits than before.[A]相比以前非盈利组织中有更多的空职。

  [B] nonprofits are now also doing business to earn more money.[B] 非盈利组织也经营商业来赚钱。

  [C] nonprofits need to be more efficient so as to be more competitive.[C]非盈利组织需要更加有效率,从而增加竞争力。

  [D] nonprofits have to compete with for-profits for funds now.[D]非盈利组织需要和盈利机构竞争基金。


  [难度系数] ☆☆☆☆


  4. The case of Environmental Defense implies that _____4.“环境保护”组织的例子说明了_____

  [A] nonprofit is united with for-profit to make common efforts in environment protection.[A]在保护环境问题上非盈利组织和赢利组织共同努力。

  [B] corporations are in great need of multifaceted organizations to work with companies on environmental issues.[B]公司对跨学科学生需求量很大、从而能够与那些专注环境问题的公司合作。

  [C] nonprofit organizations are switching more attention on environmental issues.[C]非盈利组织现在也把更多的注意力转移到环境问题上。

  [D] nonprofit organizations are helping business to be more environmentally friendly through business practices.[D]非盈利组织现在在帮助商业企业在其商业行为中更加环保。


  [难度系数] ☆☆☆

  [分析] 推理题。第四段提到了“环境保护”组织和FedEx一起促进使用混合电力车,也帮助麦当劳逐步停止使用聚乙烯塑料包装,积极寻求综合性的员工,他们懂得环境知识,也可以使用商业知识来进行工作。结合上下文,这个例子还是为了说明该组织希望公司在商业行为中加强环保。因此,D选项最为符合题意。

  5. By this passages, the author tries to show that_____5.通过这篇文章,作者想要告诉我们_____

  [A] business world is turning its attention to integrating business with environmental issues.[A]商业世界将其注意力转移到了把商业和环境问题联系起来。

  [B] business corporations can be united with nonprofits in environmental protection.[B]在环保方面商业公司可以与非盈利组织联合。

  [C] multidisciplinary students are increasingly popular in nonprofits as well as in corporations.[C]非盈利组织和公司都越来越需要跨学科学生。

  [D] there is a trend for business students to make use of business acumen for advocating environmental protection.[D]有一种趋势是商业学生利用他们的商业敏感性来推进对环境的保护。


  [难度系数] ☆☆☆☆

  [分析] 主旨题。这篇文章讲述了许多致力于环境保护的学生学习了商业,希望通过这种方式最终可以更好更快地解决环境问题,那么这也就说明了学生们倾向于将环境问题和商业敏感性结合起来的趋向,因此选项中D最为符合。


  在校外一家小农场开聚会的那群人可不是那种一般的商学院学生。当然他们中很快有人就会去投资银行或石油公司从事好的工作,但是他们现在并不是在庆祝自己成功就业,而是在选择一个“宣传会”的形式。这个活动由密歇根大学Erb学院的学生举办,是该大学商业学院和自然资源学院为期三年的 双学位项目。该学院大部分学生首先是环保倡导者,然后才是商业人士,他们发现金钱可以改变现状。他们代表一小群正在发展壮大的希望能带来改变的MBA社会活动者,每次都会有一个幻灯片展示。

  Greg Shopoff是Erb学院的三年级学生,他在科罗拉多学院学习地质学,现在暂时考虑研究环境法。但是他发现法律专业于他的兴趣而言进度太慢,于是选择了商业学院。“如果你可以一直控制商业影响,”他说,“你就有可能在很短的时间内促生极大的变化。”现在有越来越多的学生与Shopoff的想法是一样的,而商业学院也发现了这种变化。在Erb 学院,主任Tom Lyon发现该项目已经从一开始的每年5个学生发展为现在的25个。全国各地商业学校都在开更多像“共同社会责任”、“竞争环境策略”之类的课程,学院官员称学生希望有更多有关社会和环境工作的会议、讲座及研讨会。“这一代是在更高的全球意识中生长起来的,”斯坦福大学商业中心负责社会创新的Kriss Deighmeier说,“他们明白我们面对的是什么样的问题,希望可以参与进解决过程中来。”

  在人才市场,盈利或非盈利机构的招聘人员也在寻找这种多面的人才。在非盈利机构,这种趋势有很好的商业意义。比起前几年,盈利机构更难要多的资金,而非盈利机构为了得到更多资助而彼此激烈竞争同时为了拿到政府合同而与盈利机构竞争。“十年之前,非盈利机构还不明白一个工商管理硕士的价值,”耶鲁大学社会事业管理项目学院 主任Sharon Oster说道,“现在工商管理硕士到这些部门工作的机会多了。”







