
2017-02-24 11:14:52来源:网络



  1. 本科生课程:仪器分析、药学导论、药学进展(全英文课程)

  2. 研究生通开必修课程:药物分离与检测科学 (精品课程)

  3. 药物分析专业研究生必修课程:药物分析前沿文献导读


  1. 湖北省教学研究与改革项目“药学专业课程体系改革研究“2011-2013

  2. 武汉大学教学与该项项目“生物制药新专业课程体系改革与建设”2014-2016

  3. 武汉大学全英文课程建设项目“Advance in Pharmaceutical Sciences” 2010-2013

  4. 武汉大学研究生精品课程建设项目“药物分离与检测科学”2014-2015








  博士毕业生:吴玥, 刘丽红,陈琴华, 张玉林,赵海燕,陈莹,张娟

  硕士毕业生:谢俊,陈晓炜,杨灵芝,庞璋帆,张玉林、邓晓翠,翁莹,谢世静,杜娟,廖雅倩,颜芳芳,黄亮,牟晓丽,李元,陈莹,李鹏, 让颖,付帅,王丽,刘晶晶,谢珊珊,张文鹏,包涛,陈静,龙玉玲,马文,任丽萍,刘晓,龚文成,胡培玉,夏晓婧

  本科毕业生:冯端,朱凌,陈莹,, 孙仙萍,王薇,任翊,曹泉,程英,张文鹏,苏晨,朱玲,罗尚文,王键民,张培,李艳杰,让颖,陈静,龙玉玲,李娜, 啜国清, 李生兰, 孟佳伟,胡培玉,张佩婷,许亚亚,张紫鑫,武长江,王榕、韩竟、李沂霖

  交流留学生:Robert Fichtner, Stefanie Weißig (Jena University, Germany), 2009

  Shuai Guo (九州大学, 日本), 2010

  Dan Havet, Emeline Gantois (Université Lille 2, France), 2011

  Marie Boutonniere, Victoire Meas (Université Lille 2, France), 2012

  Sophie Allou, Clemence Gouy (Université Lille 2, France), 2013


  1. 博士后1-2名,按照武汉大学博士后录用程序,享受武汉大学博士后待遇。

  2. 欢迎校内外优秀学生报考本研究组博士生、硕士生。



  1. H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, Screening of neuraminidase inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicines by integrating capillary electrophoresis with immobilized enzyme microreactor, J. Chromatogr. A, 1340(2014)139-145.

  2. W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Zhang, J. Meng, T. Bao, Z. Chen*, Covalent immobilization of graphene onto stainless steel wire for jacket-free stir bar sorptive extraction, J.Chromatogr. A, 1351(2014)12-20.

  3. J. Zhang, W. Zhang, T. Bao, Z. Chen*, Enhancement of capillary electrochromatographic separation performance by conductive polymer in a layer-by-layer fabricated graphene stationary phase, J. Chromatogr. A,1339(2014)192-199.

  4. W. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Meng, W. Zou, Z. Chen*, Adsorptive behavior and solid-phase microextraction of bare stainless steel sample loop in high performance liquid chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, 1365(2014)19-28.

  5. J. Zhang, W. Zhang, T. Bao, Z. Chen*, Mussel-inspired polydopamine-assisted hydroxyapatite as stationary phase for capillary electrochromatography, Analyst, 139(2014)242-250.

  6. H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, Screening of neuraminidase inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicines by transverse diffusion mediated capillary electrophoresis, Biomicrofluidics, 8 (2014) 052003

  7. L. Ren, H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, Study on pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution of lycorine in mice plasma and tissues by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, Talanta, 119(2014)401-406

  8. Y. Chen, Q. Xiang, Z. Chen*, Simultaneous and highly sensitive quantification of five bioactive components in Fructus Psoraleae and in rat plasma by HPLC with fluorescent detection, Anal. Methods, 2014, 6 (1), 269 - 275

  9. J. Chen, J. Zhang, W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Sensitive determination of potential biomarker sarcosine for prostate cancer by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with DCC derivatization, J. Sep. Sci. 37(2014)14-19.

  10. Y. Long, W. Zhang, F. Wang, Z. Chen*,Simultaneous determination of three curcuminoids in Curcuma longa L. by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrochemical detection, J. Pharm. Anal. 4(2014)325-330

  11. W. Zhang†, W. Zhou†, Z. Chen*, Graphene/polydopamine-modified polytetrafluoroethylene micro-tube for sensitive determination of three active components in Fructus Psoraleae by online solid-phase microextraction-high performance liquid chromatography, J. Sep. Sci. 2014, in press. (†co-first author)

  12. W. Ma, P. Gao, J. Fan, Y. Hashi*, Z. Chen*, Determination of breath gas composition of lung cancer patients using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with monolithic material sorptive extraction, Biomedical Chromatography, 2014, in press.

  13. 13. Q. Xiang, Y. Chen, Z. Chen*, Sensitive and simultaneous determination of active components in Lycoris radiata by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, Anal. Methods, 2014, in press.


  1. W. Zhang, J. Zhang, T. Bao, W. Zhou, J. Meng, Z. Chen*, Universal multilayer assemblies of graphene in chemically resistant micro-tubes for microextraction, Anal. Chem. 85(2013)6845-6854.

  2. L. Wang, P. Hu, X. Deng, F. Wang, Z. Chen*, Fabrication of Electrochemical NO sensor Based on Nanostructured Film and Its Application in Drug Screening, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 50(2013)57-61.

  3. W. Ma, S. Fu, Y. Hashi, Z. Chen*, Determination of chiral jasmonates in flowers by GC-MS after monolithic material sorptive extraction, J.Agric & Food Chem. 61(2013)6288-6292.

  4. H. Zhao, Z. Chen*, Screening of aromatase inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicines by electrophoretically mediated microanalysis in partially filled capillary, J. Sep. Sci. 36(2013)2691-2697.

  5. W. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Mussel inspired polydopamine functionalized poly(ether ether ketone) tube for online solid-phase microextraction-high performance liquid chromatography and its application in analysis of protoberberine alkaloids in rat plasma, J. Chromatogr. A, 1278(2013)29-36.

  6. W. Zhang, J. Du, C. Su, L. Zhu, Z. Chen*, Development of β-cyclodextrin- modified silica and polyporous polymer particles for solid-phase extraction of methyl jasmonate in aqueous and plant samples, Anal. Lett. 46(2013) 900-911.

本文关键字: 武汉大学 博士生导师


