
2017-08-09 15:14:30来源:网络

  The mechanisms by which parabiosis operates, then, are foggy. But that has not dissuaded some companies from setting up trials to see if young blood can work its magic in people as well as rodents. Persuading patients to have themselves stitched to another person so they can share circulatory systems might be tricky. So instead of full-on parabiosis, these trials are using donated blood plasma.


  Blood simples


  One such firm, based in California, is called Ambrosia. It has attracted plenty of raised eyebrows for charging its participants, who must be at least 35 years old, $8,000 to join. For that, they get an infusion of blood plasma from a donor under 25. Most clinical trials work by comparing the treatment under investigation either with another, established treatment, or with a placebo. Ambrosia’s trial will not do this. Jesse Karmazin, Ambrosia’s founder, says it would be hard to persuade people to pay if there were a chance they might not get the real thing. Instead, he says, patients will serve as their own controls. This will be done by comparing their blood chemistries before and after the treatment.

  这类公司中有一家位于美国加州,名为Ambrosia(“长生珍馐”)。该公司要求参与试验者必须年满35岁,并收取8000美元的费用——这一价格令不少人感到惊讶。付钱后,参与者被输入来自25岁以下捐献者的血浆。大部分临床试验要么是将所研究的疗法与另一种已经证实的疗法作对照,要么是与安慰剂组作比较,Ambrosia的试验则不然。其创始人杰西·卡马辛(Jesse Karmazin)表示,如果受试者有可能被分到对照组,那么就很难说服他们付这笔钱来参与试验。他说,患者将充当自己的对照组,通过比较接受治疗前后的血液化学成分来进行临床试验。

  The unusual trial design, the charge for participation and the sheer amount of hype surrounding anti-ageing research has led some to accuse Dr Karmazin of being more interested in money than science. Not so, he says. Because blood plasma is a natural product, he says, it is not patentable. Without the prospect of a profitable new drug, no drug companies are interested in sponsoring his work. “If I could run this trial for free, I would,” he says. “But the reality is I can’t.” Indeed, Dr Karmazin would not be drawn on how—or if—he plans to turn an eventual profit. But he argues that, with plenty of blood plasma already being collected, both for transfusion and to extract important biochemicals such as clotting factors from it, checking to see if it might have other useful properties is only sensible. Although Ambrosia is not yet ready to publish its results, its initial findings, he says, are encouraging.


  Another firm, called Alkahest, which was spun out of work done at Stanford, has had less trouble attracting money. It began its life in JLABS, a biotechnology “incubator” run by Johnson & Johnson, a big drug firm, and has secured $50m from Grifols, a Spanish company that processes blood plasma into various products. It has commissioned a trial in which 18 people with Alzheimer’s disease will be given four infusions of plasma taken from young donors, over four weeks. The main goal, says Karoly Nickolich, Alkahest’s boss, is to see if the treatment is safe. That should, he says, be fairly straightforward. Blood transfusions are, after all, routine procedures. The study will also, though, check whether the blood used can reverse some of the effects of Alzheimer’s, as seems to happen in mice in analogous circumstances.

  另一家名为Alkahest(“万能溶剂”)的公司源于斯坦福大学的研究项目,在吸引投资上阻力较小。它最初成形于大型制药公司強生设立的生物科技“孵化器”JLABS,并从生产各类血浆制品的西班牙公司Grifols获得了5000万美元的投资。Alkahest已经委托开展一项试验——在四周内,向18名阿尔茨海默症患者分四次输入年轻献血者的血浆。Alkahest公司的老板卡罗伊·尼克里奇(Karoly Nikolich)表示,试验的主要目标是了解疗法是否安全。他说,结果应该会相当明确,毕竟输血是常规医疗手段。不过,该研究也将检验所用的血液能否逆转阿尔茨海默氏病的某些影响,这对处于类似情况下的小鼠似乎是有效的。

  Alkahest plans to present the results of its study at a conference in November. Because the trial is being run by researchers at Stanford, rather than by the firm itself, Mr Nickolich does not yet know what they are likely to show. But if the treatment is safe, he says, and if it proves effective, then the next step will be to identify and isolate the responsible compounds. Unlike blood plasma, such compounds would be patentable—particularly if they were then made synthetically. And such synthesis would be needed. As Mr Nickolich observes, even if things go well, there is simply not enough donated blood around to treat the world’s 44m Alzheimer’s patients with plasma extracts.


  Some researchers are more wary than Mr Nickolich about the wisdom of such trials. Michael Conboy points out that transfusions are risky. “You can occasionally get immune reactions even with well-matched donors,” he says. “In the worst cases you can get full-on anaphylaxis [an extreme allergic reaction that can be fatal].”


  For his part, Dr Lee worries about the hype that inevitably attaches itself to “anti-ageing” treatments. “I never use terms like ‘anti-ageing’ or ‘rejuvenation’ when I talk about laboratory science,” he says. “It conveys a false sense of hope.” Dr Lord agrees that talk of reversing ageing is premature. But, she says, there are reasons for cautious optimism. Improving the ability of old muscles to repair themselves, for instance, might not be enough to fend off the Reaper for ever. But frailty, and the falls it causes, are a problem for the elderly. Mitigating the damage from Alzheimer’s, even if it cannot be cured, would also be a boon. Rather than lengthening lifespan, says Dr Lord, it is better to think about lengthening “healthspan”. That is not immortality. But it would still be quite something.






