
2021-08-05 13:39:55来源:网络



  Part I Listening Comprehension (30%)

  Section A

  1. W: I can't tell if my breast is still there. Have you taken it off?

  M: No, Mrs. Green. We just took out the lump. So you can see we've caught this thing very early and some X-ray therapy should stop spreading.

  Q: What is the woman suffering from?

  2. M: My left ankle is still hurting from the fall I had from my bike last week. I wonder if I should visit

  a doctor.

  W: To play it safe, you probably should.

  Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

  3. W: How often should I take these capsules? And how many should I take?

  M: Take three capsules every six hours.

  Q: How many capsules should the woman take in twenty four hours?

  4. M: Mrs. White, have you, your husband or any members of your family suffered from any fbnn of

  mental illness?

  W: No. But my father's family has a history of a high blood pressure.

  Q: Who probably suffers from hypertension?

  5. W: What time does the computer lab close?

  M: On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it closes at 5 p.m.. On Tuesday and Thursday, it opens until 9. It stays open until 6 on Saturday. But on Sunday, ifs closed all day.

  Q: On which evenings is the computer lab open?

  6. M: This is the silliest film I have ever seen. Ifs plain ridiculous.

  W: I have seen duller films, though, but not one so long.

  Q: What does the woman feel about the film?

  7. W: My son spends a lot of time on the Internet. Fve heard this can lead to depression. What do you think? M: I've heard studies showing there is more depression among users of the Internet. But 1 question

  which came first: the depression or the Internet?

  Q: What does the man mean?

  8. M: Would you care for another pear? Don't worry, we've got plenty.

  W: rd love one. But what I don't have is plenty room in my stomach for one.

  Q: What does the woman imply?

  9. W: I've had this new digital camera for a week. And I still don't know how to work it even with

  these instructions.

  M: Didn't a hotline number come with it?

  Q: What does the man imply the woman should do?

  10. M: What a gorgeous dress! It must have cost a fortune.

  W: Not at all. It's a hand-me-down.

  Q: What does the woman say about the dress?

  L M: Did you win the scholarship?

  who, me. The D I got in physics brought my whole average way down.

  Q: Why didn't the woman win the wholmhip?

  ]2. M: Have you found a partner to work with on chemistry? The lab class is tomorrow.

  W: To tell you the truth, I've been tired with my biology course this week.

  Q: What can be inferred about the woman?

  3. W: I really like classical music, especially the music of Wagner. What about you?

  M: Well, actually, classical music is something I haven,t acquired a taste for yet.

  Q: What does the man think of dawkal musk?

  14. M: Excuse me, I,ve got a bad cold. I have a headache, a sore throat, a slight cough and I ache all over. Could you recommend something?

  W: Well, 1 can give you a cold capsule that will relieve the running nose and some cough surge. That ought to do the frick. If you are not better in a couple of days, I would suggest you see a doctor.

  Q: W here does this conversation most likely take place?

  15. W: Tbm, what happened? How come you limping?

  M: Someone smashed into my new car. I'm not really hurt. Thanks to my safe-belt.

  Q: Why was the man not serioush injured in the accident?

  Section B

  Directions: In this section you will hear three passages. After each one, you will hear five questions. After each question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on your ANS WER SHEET.

  Passage One

  Question 16-20 are based on the following talk:

  M: I feel an abdominal pain and nausea.

  W: Do you feel like vomiting?

  M: Yes. I also have a slight fever.

  W: How about your bowel movement?

  M: Since this morning, I have been passed and loosed in watery stools several times.

  W: You are suffering from diarrhea. What did you eat yesterday?

  M: I ate some staled bread and other food.

  W: The food might have been contaminated with bacterial.

  M: Can I eat or drink anything?

  W: You should drink a lot of water and fruit juice but do not eat for a day so that your bowels will have

  a rest. If you eat, take small servings of soft bland food, such as porridge cereal. Avoid large meals.

  M: Should I take medication?

  W: If your diarrhea is so frequent or watery as to cause inconvenience, you can take some medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

  M: Is diarrhea serious?

  W: Yes, only when you get dehydrated or lose much body fluids. So you should drink freely to replace the salt and water

  M: What are the signs of dehydration?

  W: The signs of dehydration are inelastic skin, dry lips and mouth, thirst tongue. If you pitc up t e skin on your arm or abdomen and let it go, it sets back slowly.

  M: Do I have to go to the clinic?

  W: If your diarrhea persists for three or four days, you should go to the doctor especially when the stool is black and bloody. In your present case, you don't have to worry. Just take some medicine and replace for lost fluid.


  16. What is the woman's diagnosis of the man?

  17. What might be the cause of the man's illness?

  18. In order to recover soon, which of the following should the man avoid eating or drinking?

  19. According to the woman, when should the man take medication?

  20. What does the woman think about the man's condition?

  Passage Two

  Question 21-25 are based on the following passage:

  The breasts are a profound source of female self-image. Cancer of the breast may seriously affect a woman's perception of her identity, and breast loss can be veiy psychologically damaging. There fore, most breast cancer centers employ counselors. The role of the counselor is to help people adjust to the physical and psychological blow of breast cancer. About 30% of women with the disease suffer from prolonged anxiety and depression, which are natural responses to the loss of a breast or fear of the disease. Women who fail to adjust often have other life crises such as divorce or unemployment. These psychological problems can be helped by referral to a psychiatrist (specialist in mental illness), who may recommend psychotherapy or medications to aid recovery. Physical and sexual rehabilitation can be helped by providing the woman with an adequate prosthetic device (breast form) and by encouraging the woman and her partner to discuss sexual problems in an open way.

  The decision to use prosthesis or to undergo breast reconstruction usually is based on the woman5s own body image. Other key factors include her level of physical activity, style of clothing, and her willingness to reveal the diagnosis of breast cancer to others.

  The majority of women can return to normal employment after any type of breast cancer surgery. In addition, most are able to enjoy all types of physical recreation, including swimming and golf.

  21. What is the speaker talking about?

  22. In what way can breast loss be psychologically damaging?

  23. Why do most breast centers employ counselors?

  24. Why do some breast cancer patients suffer from prolonged anxiety and depression?

  25. Which of the following means can help a woman rehabilitate physically after breast surgery?

  Passage Three

  Question 26-30 are based on the following passage:

  Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lines with the students. If a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the infbnnation in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or give an examination.

  The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning not the

  one interested only in getting high grades. When research is assigned, the professor expects the students to take the initiative and complete the assignment with minimum guidance. It is the students' responsibility to find books, periodicals and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a university library works; they expect students, particularly graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference sources in the library.

  Professors will help their students who need it, but prefer that their students not be overly dependent on them. In the United States professors have other duties besides teaching. Often they are responsible for administrative work within their department. In addition, they may be obliged to publish articles and books. Therefore, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either approach a professor during office hours or make aif appointment.

  26. What is the speaker talking about?

  27. What are university students in the US expected to do when research is assigned?

  28. According to the speaker, which of the following statements is not true?.

  29 What is the student supposed to do ifhe has a problem with his classroom work?

  30: According to the speaker, which ofthe following students can be considered as the ideal university student in the US?



