
2017-06-29 16:29:09来源:网络


  编著和翻译出版教材、专著和外文文献15 部,发表论文200 余篇。


  1. 《测绘学概论》,宁津生、李德仁、陈俊勇、张祖勋、刘经南、龚健雅、陶本藻、张正禄、何宜、赵建虎,武汉大学出版社,2004.10 第一版,2008.5 第二版

  2. 《现代大地测量理论与技术》,宁津生、刘经南、陈俊勇、陶本藻等,武汉大学出版社,2006.6

  3. 《地球重力场逼近理论与中国2000 似大地水准面的确定》,李建成、陈俊勇、宁津生、晁定波武汉大学出版社,2003.3

  2. 《数字地球与测绘》,宁津生、陈军、晁定波,清华大学出版社,2001

  3. 《大地测量学——自然科学学科发展战略调研报告》,宁津生,科学出版社,1994

  4. 《地球重力场模型理论》,宁津生,武汉测绘科技大学出版社,1990

  5. 《地球重力场在工程测量中的应用》,管泽霖、宁津生,测绘出版社,1990

  6. 《重力学引论》,宁津生、管泽霖,武汉测绘科技大学出版社,1989

  7. 《地球形状及外部重力场》,管泽霖、宁津生,测绘出版社,1981


  1. 应用小波变换确定琉球俯冲带的深部特征,宁津生、王伟、汪海洪、罗佳,武汉大学学报(信息科学版) ,35(10):1135-1137,2010 年第10 期

  2. 面向信息化时代的测绘科学技术新进展,宁津生、王正涛,测绘科学,35(5):5-10,2010

  3. 基于卫星加速度恢复地球重力场的去相关滤波法,宁津生、钟波、罗志才、汪海洪,测绘学报,39(4):331-337,2010

  4. 深化教学改革,加强实践教学,宁津生、翟翊、宋伟东等,测绘通报,No.10,1-4,2009.10

  5. 灾区测绘基础设施快速重建的对策,宁津生,测绘,Vol.31,No5,196-197,2008.10

  6. 基于能量守恒的星间距离变率与地球重力场频谱关系的建立与分析,宁津生、钟波、罗志才、罗佳,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),Vol.33,No.3,221-225,2008.3

  7. 卫星重力与地球重力场,宁津生、罗佳、王正涛,地理空间信息,Vol.6,No. 1,1-6,2008.2

  8. 地球重力场可视化数据挖掘平台WHU-3 Dgravity 的设计与实现,宁津生、郭金来,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),Vol.32,No. 11,945-949,2007.11

  9. 从数字化测绘到信息化测绘的测绘学科新进展,宁津生、杨凯,测绘科学,Vol.32,No.2,5-11,2007.3

  10. 卫星跟踪卫星应用于月球重力场探测的模拟研究,宁津生、罗佳,航天器工程,Vol.16,No. 1,18-22,


  11. 我国陆地垂线偏差精化计算,宁津生、郭春喜等,武汉大学学报(信息科学版),Vol.31,No.12,


  12. 数字城市中大地水准面的功能与精化技术,宁津生、罗佳,地理空间信息,Vol.4,No. 1,1-5,2006.2

  13. 测绘学科发展综述,宁津生、王正涛,测绘科学,Vol.31,No.1,9-16,2006.2

  14. 基于多尺度边缘约束的重力场信号的向下延拓,宁津生、汪海洪、罗志才,地球物理学报,Vol.48,


  Personal details

  Ning JinSheng, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Civil,

  Water Resources and Architectural Engineering Faculty, Professor, Ph.D.

  supervisor in School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University. Member

  of Committee on Science and Technology of State Survey and

  Mapping and Geographic Information Council and “Chinese Encyclopedia”

  editorial board. Division editor of the “Dictionary”,and director of the Ministry

  of Education of Surveying and Mapping pedagogical Steering Committee, etc.

  Speciality: Geodesy and Survey Engineering, Geophysics and so on.

  Work Tel: 027-68778825-808


  office: No.1505, Teaching laboratory building, Information Technology Campus, Wuhan University.

  Education experience:

  1954.9~1956.7 Bachelor in Survey Department of the Survey Engineering, Tongji University.

  1953.9~1954.9 Beijing Russian College

  1951.9~1953.9 Survey Department of the Survey Engineering, Tongji University.

  Work experience

  2000.8~pre Professor, PhD supervisor, Academician in Wuhan University.

  1997.2~2000.8 Professor, PhD supervisor, Academician in Professor, PhD supervisor, Academician in Wuhan

  Technical University of Surveying and Mapping.

  1995.5~1997.2 Professor, PhD supervisor, Academician and Principal of Wuhan Technical University of

  Surveying and Mapping

  1988.1~1995.5 Professor, PhD supervisor and Principal of Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and


  1984.8~1988.1 Associate Professor,Professor and Vice Principal of Wuhan Technical University of Surveying

  and Mapping

  1956.9~1984.8 Teaching assistant ,lecturer and Associate Professor of Wuhan Technical University of

  Surveying and Mapping

  Achievements and awards

  1、《Introduction to Geomatics》——First prize in the sixth national college excellent textbook of geomatics

  (National Administration of Surveying and Mapping, 2009.12); National Excellent Courses (Ministry of

  Education, 2007) (First author)

  2 、”Survey Engineering reform-oriented information technology and series of qualified course under

  construction ”——Second prize of National Teaching Achievement,2009. (First author)

  3、” Academician Popular Science Writings——《Digital Earth and Geomatiacs》”——Second prize of National

  Science and Technology Progress Award,2005.(First Author, 2005.11.20)

  4、“Research on the technology and application implementations of national and provincial high precision and

  high resolution quasi geoid ”—Second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award,2004.(Third

  Author, 2005.1.8)

  5、《Approach Theory of Earth Gravity and Qusi geoid in 2000》——Second prize of Hubei book awards,2005

  (First Author )

  6、”Research on the precise structure of Earth Gravity and the refinement of quasi geoid”——First prize of

  Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology Progress Award,1997 (First Author,1997.11.17)

  7 、”Research on Earth Gravity field model” —— Second prize of Surveying and Mapping

  Science and Technology Progress Award,1991 (Second Author,1991.11.15)




本文关键字: 武汉大学 博士 考博


