
2020-07-17 13:57:58来源:网络

  Passage Five

  Until a few years ago most experts believed that young children couldn’t lie. The late developmental psychologist Jean Piaget believed that children under 7 had trouble distinguishing between fantasy and reality and couldn’t be held accountable for untruths. But recent research indicates that children as young as 4 are quite capable of telling a deliberate lie to get out of trouble. Researchers believe the fear of a parent’s disapproval discourages a very young child from lying. But by the age of 8 disapproval is not enough. A child should understand the consequences of the lie and the ways in which it destroys trust.

  A child who lies a lot may be asking for help. Recent research suggests that kids who are being treated for psychological problems lie almost three times as much as well-adjusted kids. A study in England in the early 1970s showed that one third of the children identified as chronic liars by their parents ended up being convicted of theft later on. Other studies indicate that children who have manipulative personalities are skilled at telling lies to get what they want. Two decades ago researchers devised a morality test called a Mach scale. They found that kids who scored high in Mach characteristics-cynicism, desire for power-often lied to achieve their goals.

  How should honesty be taught? It seems that harsh punishment, thought by many parents to discourage lying, may actually increase it. “It creates a fear of punishment, rather than an internalized belief in moral behavior,” psychologist Paul Ekman says. To help a child realize the damage lying does, a parent might use tales like “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” for younger children and draw object lessons from the news as the kids grow older.

  Just because parents learn why lies occur doesn’t mean they should accept them. Psychologists encourage parents to expect their children to be truthful. Ekman counsels parents to set a good example, avoiding even white lies as much as possible, and to stress the family’s bond of trust. He also reminds parents that they must remain compassionate. “A terrible act, a desperate lie to conceal it, needs to be punished,” he writes. “But it also needs to be forgiven.”

  21. What is the talk mainly about? B)

  22. According to the speaker, what makes the new system better than other treatments? B)

  23. Why are the houses covered with tents? A)

  24. Why does the speaker mention that construction wood is dried by heat? A)

  25. What is the temperature of the heated air blown into the tent? C)

  Talk Three

  I’m sure you realize that your research papers are due in six weeks. I’ve looked at your proposed topics and made comments about them. The most frequent problem was proposing too broad a topic. Remember, this is only a fifteen-page paper.

  As I return your topic papers, I’d like to look over the schedule which sketches out what we’ll do during the next two weeks. Today is Monday. By Friday, I want your preliminary outline. Please be sure to incorporate the suggestions I’ve made on your topics in your outlines. Next week I’ll have a conference with each of you. I’ve posted a schedule on my office door. Sign your name to indicate the time you’re available for an appointment. In the conference, we’ll discuss your preliminary outline, which is due two weeks from today. Use the outline style in your textbook and remember it should be no more than two pages long. Be sure to begin with a thesis statement, that is, with a precise statement of the point you intend to prove, and include a conclusion.

  Have you got all that? Your two-page preliminary outlines are due at the end of this week and the final outlines are due after your conferences. Follow the textbook style and include a thesis statement and a conclusion.

  26. What did the speaker probably do before this class? A)

  27. What does the speaker mainly discuss? D)

  28. When will conferences be held? B)

  29. What is the purpose of the conference? C)

  30. According to the speaker, how should the outline begin? A)


本文关键字: 医学考博英语 医学考博


