
2024-04-17 16:21:51来源:网络


  1. 卡路里:calorie

  2. 体育锻炼:physical exercises

  3. 滑冰:skating

  4. 滑雪: skiing

  5. 晨练:morning exercises

  6. 冬泳: winter swimming

  7. 新陈代谢:代谢:metabolism

  8. 血管扩展: blood vessel extension

  9. 抵抗能力:resistance

  10. 维生素:vitamin

  11. 膳食:food

  12. 脂肪:fat

  13. 蛋白质:protein

  14. 糖:sugar

  15. 植物油:vegetable oil

  16. 肾上腺: adrenal gland

  17. 疾病:diseases

  18. 冷水浴: cold bath

  19. 脑血管病: cerebrovascular disease

  20. 溃疡:ulcer

  21. 关节炎: arthritis

  22. 月经期: menstrual period

  23. 酸: acid

  24. 气管炎: trachitis

  25. 喉炎: laryngitis

  26. 结膜炎: conjunctivitis

  27. 过敏性疾病: allergic disease

  28. 鼻道: nasal passage

  29. 鼻粘膜: nasal mucosa

  30. 情绪低落:depression

  31. 疲劳:fatigue

  32. 失眠:insomnia

  33. 头痛:headache

  34. 注意力不集中:lack of concentration

  35. 血糖: blood sugar

  36. 代谢: metabolism

  37. 能量: energy

  38. 碳水化合物(carbohydrate)

  39. 纤维素(cellulose)

  40. 脂肪: fat

  41. 薄荷(mint)

  42. 百花香味(fragrance)

  43. 维生素: vitamin

  44. 矿物质(mineral substances)

  45. 提神醒脑: refresh oneself

  46. 镁(magnesium)

  47. 铁: iron

  48. 锻炼: take exercises

  49. 负离子: anion

  50. 神经系统: nerve system

  51. 胃肠消化: digestion

  52. 肺部: lungs

  53. 氧气: oxygen

  54. 交感神经: parasympathetic nerve

  55. 二氧化碳: carbon dioxide

  56. 幼儿: infant

  57. 蛋白质: protein

  58. 钙(calcium)

  59. 糖: sugar

  60. 龋齿(decayed tooth)

  61. 肥胖: obesity

  62. 饼干: biscuits

  63. 馒头: steamed bread

  64. 肌肉和骨骼: muscle bones

  65. 维生素C: vitamin

  66. 热量: energy

  67. 大饼: pancake

  68. 碳水化合物(carbohydrate)

  69. 脑力活动与体力活动: mental physical activity

  70. 组织器官: tissue organs

  71. 生理功能: physiological function

  72. 体育锻炼: physical exercise

  73. 膳食: food/diet

  74. 钙: calcium

  75. 磷(phosphorus)

  76. 热量: energy

  77. 脂肪: fat

  78. 碳水化合物:carbohydrate

  79. 新陈代谢(metabolism)

  80. 骨质疏松(osteoporosis)

  81. 面条: noodles

  82. 肉松: dried meat floss

  83. 花生酱: peanut butter

  84. 消化: digestion

  85. 油炸类食品: deep-fried foods

  86. 脂肪: fat

  87. 消化不良: indigestion

  88. 胆: liver

  89. 胰: pancreas

  90. 致癌物质: cancerogenic substances

  91. 甜食: dessert

  92. 糖: sugar

  93. 肾: kidney

  94. 胆固醇(cholesterol)

  95. 冠心病: coronary diseases

  96. 动脉硬化: arteriosclerosis

  97. 高血压: high blood pressure/hypertension

  98. 心脑血管疾病: cardiovascular diseases

  99. 合资医院: joint venture hospital

  100. 执业执照: license

  101. 儿童乐园: children’s park

  102. 挂号: register at hospital

  103. 划价: have a prescription priced

  104. 交费: pay

  105. 取药: get the medicine

  106. 心理咨询: psychological consultation

  107. 健康教育: health education

  108. 药品差价: drug price difference

  109. 民营医院: private hospital

  110. 社会资本: social capital

  111. 私人诊所: private clinic

  112. 个体医生: (solo) practitioner

  113. 卫生机构: health agency

  114. 医疗服务:medical service

  115. 基础设施: infrastructure

  116. 诊疗设备: medical equipment

  117. 技术水平: technological level

  118. 收购: acquisition

  119. 重组现有公立医院: recombination (regroup) of public hospitals

  120. 医疗机构: medical institutions

  121. 慢性病: chronic diseases

  122. 婴幼儿保健: health care of infants

  123. 相辅相成: complementary

  124. 政府支持: government support

  125. 财政补贴: fiscal subsidies

  126. 满腹牢骚: complaint

  127. 医患关系: doctor-patient relationship

  128. 正常化: normalization

  129. 管理体制: management system

  130. 人事制度: personnel system

  131. 环境: environment

  132. 医生预约制: the doctor appointment system



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