
2017-01-11 17:10:30来源:网络

  17. 2004.1 - 2006.12,智能多媒体网络视频会议系统,湖北省科技攻关计划,主要参与

  18. 2004.1 - 2005.12,信源加密安全视频会议系统研制与产业化,武汉市信息产业专项资金项目,主要参与

  19. 2003.3 - 2005.3, 基于信源特征的标准压缩编码图像视频信号加密技术及其在视频会议系统中的应用研究,武汉市科技攻关计划项目,主要参与

  20. 2002.11 - 2004.12,新一代网络视频会议系统,武汉大学产业化合作项目,主要参与


  1. Lizhi Xiong, Zhengquan Xu, Yanyan Xu. A secure re-encryption scheme for data services in a cloud computing environment[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2015. Published online, [SCI]

  2. Lizhi Xiong, Zhengquan Xu, Yanyan Xu. A multiple watermarking scheme based on orthogonal decomposition. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2015, published online, [SCI]

  3. Li Jiang, Tianye Niu, Zhengquan Xu, Yanyan Xu. Integrating Encryption and Marking for Remote Sensing Image Based on Orthogonal Decomposition. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(5):2232-2239, 2015. [SCI]

  4. Yanyan Xu, Lizhi Xiong, Zhengquan Xu, Shaoming Pan. A Content Security Protection Scheme in JPEG Compressed Domain, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 25(4):805-813, 2014 [SCI]

  5. Zhengquan Xu, Lizhi Xiong, Yanyan Xu. On the provably secure CEW based on orthogonal decomposition, Signal Processing: Image Communication. 29(5):607-617, 2014[SCI]

  6. Li Jiang, Zhengquan Xu, Yanyan Xu. Commutative encryption and watermarking based on orthogonal decomposition, Multimedia Tools and Applications. 70(3):1617-1635, 2014[SCI]

  7. Lizhi Xiong, Zhengquan Xu, Yanyan Xu. A Multiple Watermarking Scheme Based on Orthogonal Decomposition. Multimedia Tools and Applications. Accepted. [SCI]

  8. Yanyan Xu, Huiying Wang, Zhengquan Xu. A Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption Content Security Protection Method for Remote Sensing Image based on Neighborhood Similarity. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 7(1): 1-14, 2013 [SCI]

  9. Yanyan Xu, Yuxia Zhang, Zhengquan Xu. Content security protection for remote sensing images integrating selective content encryption and digital fingerprint, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 6(1):1-15, 2012 [SCI]

  10. Chunhui Feng, Zhengquan Xu, Wenting Zhang, Yanyan Xu. Automatic Location of Frame Deletion Point for Digital Video Forensics, Proceedings of IH&MMSec '14, 171-179, 2014

  11. Yanyan Xu, Bo Yang, Zhengquan Xu, Tengyue Mao. A High-efficient Selective Content Encryption Method Suitable for Satellite Communication System, Computer Engineering and Networking Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Vol.277, 775-782, 2013

  12. Li Jiang, Zhengquan Xu, Yanyan Xu. A new comprehensive security protection for remote sensing image based on the integration of encryption and watermarking, Proceedings of IGARSS, 2577-2580, 2013

  13. 徐彦彦,王慧颖,徐正全. 一种基于内容的遥感影像安全分发方法, 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),38(12):1475-1479, 2013

  14. 徐彦彦,张玉霞,徐正全. 一种高效的适用于遥感影像的内容安全保护方案, 武汉大学学报(信息科学版),37(8):936-939,2012

  15. Yanyan Xu, Yuxia Zhang, Zhengquan Xu. An Improved Joint Fingerprinting and Decryption Content Security Protection Scheme for Visual Media, Proc. APSIPA ASC, 2011

  16. Yanyan Xu, Yuxia Zhang, Zhengquan Xu. An Active-Passive Security Protection Method for Remote Sensing Image, Proc. of International Conference on Network Computing and Information Security, 30-34, 2011

  17. 徐彦彦,徐正全. 一种基于中国余数定理的等级密钥管理方案, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),38(12):65-68,2010

  18. Maoquan Li, Zhengquan Xu, Yanyan Xu. Robust Transmission of Video Stream Over Fading Channels, Novel Algorithms and Techniques in Telecommunication and Networking, 311-316, 2010

  19. Maoquan Li, Zhengquan Xu, Yanyan Xu. A Robust Video Coding Scheme for Mobile Wireless Communications, Journal Of Multimedia, 4(6):405-411, 2009

  20. 徐彦彦,徐正全,李茂全. 面向下一代会议系统的分布式密钥管理方案, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版),37(6):71-73,2009


  徐正全,徐彦彦著. 可视媒体信息安全,高等教育出版社,2012


  1. 一种云环境下多媒体内容保护和安全分发方法,2015年,发明专利

  2. 一种云数据隐私保护安全重加密方法,2014年,发明专利

  3. 一种在相同操作域上实现交换密码水印的方法,2011,发明专利

  4. 基于置乱的多媒体数据主动加密与被动保护结合的方法,2010,发明专利

  5. 一种视频信息的动态随机置乱加解密方法,2006,发明专利


  1. 视频信源加密安全视频会议系统,获2006年湖北省科技进步奖三等奖;

  2. 视频信源加密安全视频会议系统,获2006年武汉市科技进步奖二等奖;


