
2017-08-11 16:33:20来源:网络

  [18] Z. D. Sun, X. Xia and W. B. Gao, A sufficient condition for nonregular feedback linearization of nonlinear systems, Control Theory and Applications, 13(1986), 41--46.

  [19] X. Xia, A parameterisation approach to the disturbance decoupling problem with stability of nonlinear systems, Automatica, 32(1996), 607--610.

  [20] X. Xia and M. Zeitz, On continuous nonlinear observers, International Journal of Control, 66 (1997) 943-954.

  [21] Z. D. Sun and X. Xia, On nonregular feedback linearization, Automatica, 33 (1997), 1339-1344.

  [22] X. Xia and C. H. Moog, Disturbance decoupling of nonlinear systems by output feedback, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 44(1999), 1425--1429.

  [23] B. Guo, X. Xia, F. R. Camisani-Calzolari and I. K. Craig, A semi-discrete approach to modeling and control of the continuous casting process, Steel Research, 71(2000), 220—227.

  [24] X. Xia, Global Frequency estimation using adaptive identifiers, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. AC-47, No. 7, July 2002, pp.1188--1193.

  [25] X. Xia, Well-posedness of piecewise-linear systems with multiple modes and multiple criteria, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. AC-47, No. 10, October 2002, pp. 1716—1720.

  [26] X. Xia, C. H. Moog and R. Pothin, Extended output injection and output feedback i/o linearization, Electronics Letters, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 200—202, 2002.

  [27] X. Xia, LA. Marquez, P. Zagalak and CH. Moog, Analysis of nonlinear timedelay
systems using modules over non-commutative rings, Automatica, vol. 38 (2002), pp. 1549--1555.

  [28] R. Pothin, C. H. Moog and X. Xia, Disturbance decoupling of nonlinear MISO systems by static measurement feedback, Kybernetika, vol. 38, No.5 (2002), pp. 601-608.

  [29] X. Xia, C. H. Moog, Identifiability of nonlinear systems with applications to HIV/AIDS models, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 48, no. 2, February, 2003, pp. 330—336.

  [30] X. Xia, On zero polyhedral cones, Applied Mathematics Letters, (accepted) 2002.

  [31] M. Jeffrey, X. Xia, I.K. Craig, When to initiate HIV therapy: a control theoretic approach, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2002, (accepted).

  [32] I.K. Craig, X. Xia, and J.W. Venter, Introducing HIV/AIDS education into the electrical engineering curriculum at the University of Pretoria, IEEE Transactions on Education, 2002, (accepted).

  [33] X. Xia, Estimation of HIV/AIDS parameters, Automatica, 2002, (provisionally accepted).

  [34] X. Xia, R. Gai and G. Chen, Periodic orbits arising from Delta-modulated feedback control, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2003 (accepted)

7.2 合作著书

  [35]R. Pothin, C. H. Moog and X. Xia, Stabilization of a series DC motor by dynamic output feedback, in: Nonlinear Control in the Year 2000, A. Isidori, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue and W. Respondek (Eds), Springer, London, 2000.

7.3 著作

  [36] X.Xia and W. B. Gao, Nonlinear Systems Control and Decoupling, Science Press, Beijing, 1993.

7.4 出版的会议论文

  [37] X. Xia and W. B. Gao, Simulation of pole assignment of linear control systems, IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling, Santa Barbara, California, USA, 1989.

  [38] X. Xia, Essential structure of nonlinear systems, 11th IFAC World Congress, Tallinn, USSR, Aug. 1990.

  [39] X. Xia and W. B. Gao, Minimal order dynamic I/O linearization and dynamic extension algorithm, Proceedings of Pre-MTNS, Hangzhou, China, June 1991.

  [40] Y. F. Wang, X. Xia and W. B. Gao, Parameter variations in nonlinear noninteracting control, American Control Conference, 1994.

  [41] S. P. Wang, X. Xia and W. B. Gao, An algebraic approach to analysis of nonlinear decoupling, IFAC Nonlinear Control Systems Design Symposium (NOLCOS'95), Tahoe City, California, June, 1995.

  [42] Z. D. Sun and X. Xia, Some results on singular feedback linearization, IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, Nantes, France, July, 1995.

  [43] X.Xia, A parameterisation approach to DDPS of nonlinear systems, 3rd European Control Conference, Rome, Italy, September 1995.

  [44] M. Zeitz and X. Xia, Nichtlineare stetige Beobachter, Workshop 1995 GMAAusschuss

  1.4 “Neuere theoretische Verfahren der Regelungstechnik'”, Interlaken/Switzerland, Sept. 1995.

  [45] X. Xia and M. Zeitz, On nonlinear continuous observers, Control'96, Exeters, England, Sept. 1996, Conference Publication No. 427, 825-830.

  [46] X. Xia and C. H. Moog, Input output linearization of nonlinear systems by output feedback, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Kobe, Japan, Dec.,1996.

  [47] C. H. Moog and X. Xia, Preliminary results on disturbance decoupling by output feedback for nonlinear systems, 4th European Control Conference, 1997, Brussels.

  [48] C. H. Moog and X. Xia, Output feedback design for nonlinear systems, IFAC Workshop on NTDCS, September 1997.

  [49] X. Xia, T. H. Lee and S. S. Ge, Nonlinear and fault-tolerant control of separately excited DC motors, IEEE Conf. SISCTA’97, Singapore.

  [50] X. Xia, An approach to global output feedback stabilisation of nonlinear systems with application to robotic control, International Conference on Systems, Signals, Control, Computers, Durban, South Africa, 22—24 September, 1998.

  [51] X. Xia and I. K. Craig, System theoretical issues in the second cooling zone in continuous casting, Minerals Processing’98, Cape Town, 6—7 August, 1998.

  [52] X. Xia, Further results on noninteracting control with internal stability of nonlinear systems, 14th IFAC World Congress, Beijing, China, 1999.

  [53] X. Xia, Transmitting power control in CDMA cellular systems, 1999 IEEE AFRICON, 5th Africon Conference in Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, 1999.

  [54] R. Pothin, C. H. Moog and X. Xia, Input-output linearization of non-linear MIMO systems by static output feedback, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Phoenix, USA, 1999.

  [55] X. Xia, Global frequency estimators through Marino-Tomei observers, IFAC Conference on Technology Transfer in Developing Countries: Automation in Infrastructure Creation, Pretoria, South Africa, July 2000.

  [56] R. Pothin, C. H. Moog and X. Xia, Non-linear stabilizing dynamical output feedback for a series DC motor, IFAC Conference on Technology Transfer in Developing Countries: Automation in Infrastructure Creation, Pretoria, South Africa, July 2000.

  [57] R. Pothin, C. H. Moog and X. Xia, Stabilization of a series DC motor by dynamic output feedback, Nonlinear Control Network Workshop, June 2000, Paris.


