
2022-06-11 08:02:00来源:网络



  1. 选项内容(根据常识)看似合理,但是原文中没有提及。

  2. 用原文中的几个关键词拼凑出原文没有的逻辑意思,通常是长难词句导致理解不清楚造成的。

  3. 原文有涉及选项的话题内容,但是选项具体内容与原文不符合,常常过于片面或绝对,甚至相反。

  4. 选项内容符合原文,但是不符合题干,答非所问。

  那么,我们就结合一篇阅读理解真题(2006年Passage 4)举例说明。

  Eating is related to emotional as well as physiologic needs.Sucking,which is the infant’s means of gaining both food and emotional security,?conditions the association of eating with well-being or with deprivation.If the child is breast-fed and has supportive body contact as well as good mild intake,if the child is allowed to suck for as long as he or she desires,and if both the child and the mother enjoy the nursing experience and share their enjoyment,the child is more likely to shrive both physically and emotionally.On the other hand,if the mother is nervous and resents the child or cuts him her off from the milk supply before either the child’s hunger or sucking need is satisfied,or handle the child hostilely during the feeding,or props the baby with a bottle rather than holding the child,the child may develop physically but?will begin to show signs of emotional disturbance at an early age.If ,in addition,the infant is further abused by parental indifference or intolerance,he or she will carry scars of such emotional deprivation throughout life.

  Eating habits are also conditioned by family?and other psychosocial environments.If an individual’s family?eats large quantities of food,then he or she is inclined to eat large amounts.If an individual’s family eats mainly vegetable,then he or she will be inclined to like vegetables.If mealtime is a happy and significant event,then the will tend to think of eating in those terms.And if a family eats quickly,without caring what is being eaten and while fighting at the dinner table,then the person will most likely adopt the same eating pattern and be adversely affected by it.This conditioning to food can remain unchanged through a lifetime unless?the individual is awakened to the fact of conditioning and to the possible need for altering his or her eating patterns in order to improve nutritional intake.Conditioning spills over into and is often reinforced by religious beliefs and other customs?so that,for example,a Jew,whose religion forbids the eating of pork,might have guilt feeling if he or she ate pork.An older Roman Catholic might be conditioned to feel guilty if he or she eats meat on Friday,traditionally a fish day. ?

  76. A well-breast-fed child____ .

  A.tends to associated foods with emotions ?(4)

  B.is physiologically and emotionally satisfied ?

  C.cannot have physiologic and emotional problems(1)

  D. is more likely to have his or her needs satisfied in the future(3)

  77. while sucking ,the baby is actually___ .

  A.conscious of the impact of breast-feeding(1)

  B.interacting with his or her mother

  C.creating a nursing environment(1)

  D. impossible to be abused(3)

  78. A bottle-fed child___ .

  A.can be healthy physiologically,but not emotionally

  B.cannot avoid physiologic abuse through life(3绝对)

  C.is deprived of emotional needs (3片面)

  D. is rid of physiological needs (3相反)

  79. From the list of eating habits,we learn that____ .

  A.everyone follows his or her eating pattern to death (3绝对)

  B.one’s eating pattern varies with his or her personality(1)

  C.there is no such things as psychosocial environments (3相反)

  D.everyone is born?into a conditioned eating environment ?

  80. A Jew or an older Roman Catholic___ .

  A.takes an eating habit as a religious belief ?(2 不理解take...as..)

  B.is conditioned to feel guilty of eating pork in his or her family (3绝对)

  C.cannot have a nutritional eating habit conditioned by religion beliefs (1)

  D. observes an eating pattern conditioned by his or her psychosocial environment




本文关键字: 考博英语复习 考博英语


