2021年考博英语作文参考 (2)

2021-06-14 17:28:00来源:网络

  新东方在线考博频道给大家整理的2021年考博英语作文参考 (2),希望能够对大家的考博考试备考有所帮助,更多有关考博的备考内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线考博频道。

  Directions: Write an essay no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the proper space on your Answer Sheet. TOPIC: “To get success, you need friends; to get huge success, you need enemies.” Do you agree with this saying or not? Why or why not?


  To get success, you need friends; to get huge success, you need enemies. As for the above statement, I do not agree that we need friends to get success while do agree that we need enemies to get huge success. The following are the reasons. With the development of economy and society, the world we live is colorful and complicated. We can not achieve a success unless we cooperation, we also get aids and concern from every direction. Friendship, that is, is crucial for us to have a success. Friends can have a positive effect upon our development. Our friends encourage us, share our anxiety and provide us with help when we are in trouble. Friends may give us advice and suggest us what should be done and what not be done. However, if we wish to have a glorious achievement, in my personal sense, we do require enemies, my reasons for this topic are as follows. To begin with, our enemies reveal our fatal shortcomings, we can become stronger and more capable by giving up these flaws. What is more, the crises come from our enemies wake us keep the consciousness of competition, we can do every efforts to complete what we ought to do. Last but not least, we can feel the stress from our opponents; the pressure probably is converted to the dynamic that give us sustainable power to enhance ourselves. To sum up, we need enemies to achieve our ambition, they supply us vigorous power to make our dream come true.




  随着经济社会的发展,我们生活的世界是丰富多彩,复杂的。除非我们合作,否则我们丌能取得成功,我们也从各个方向获得帮劣和关注。友谊,也就 是说,对我们取得成功至关重要。朋友可以对我们的发展产生积极的影响。我 们的朋友鼓劥我们,分享我们的焦虑,幵为我们提供帮劣,当我们遇到麻烦。 朋友可以给我们建议,并建议我们应该做什么和不该做什么。

  然而,如果我们希望有一个光荣的成就,在我个人的意义上,我们需要敌 人,我的理由为这个话题如下。首先,我们的敌人揭示了我们的致命缺点,我 们可以通过放弃这些缺陷变得更强大和更有能力。更重要的是,危机来自我们 的敌人唤醒我们保持竞争的意识,我们可以尽一切劤力完成我们应该做的。最 后但同样重要的是,我们可以感受到来自对手的压力;压力可能转化为劢态,给 我们提供可持续的力量来增强自己。

  总之,我们需要敌人来实现我们的野心,他们为我们提供强大的劢力, 使我们的梦想成真。

  以上就是新东方在线考博频道给大家整理的2021年考博英语作文参考 (2)希望对大家有所帮助,更多备考内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线考博频道。


本文关键字: 考博复习 考博


