
2015-01-09 11:03:34来源:网络


  试 题 详 解


  Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension


  Part Ⅱ Vocabulary

  16. B infinite无限的;illegible难辨认的,字迹模糊的;infectious有传染性的,易感染的;immune免疫的。

  17. D inadequate不足的;impassive被动的,冷漠的;genius天才,天赋;impartial公平的,不偏不倚的。

  18. A frustrated失败,落空;dispersed被分散的,散布的;functioned活动,运行;displaced取代,代替。

  19. B diversity差异,多样性;fragments碎片,断片;doctrine教条,学说;drought干旱,缺乏。

  20. D hemisphere半球;contempt轻视;controversy争论;hierarchy层次,层级

  21. A elapsed(时间)过去,流逝;discerned辨别,看清楚;discontented不满意的;electrified使充电,使电气化。

  22. D dissipated沉迷于酒色的,消散的;diverged分叉,分歧;detached分开的,分离的;fabricated捏造,虚构。

  23. C debris碎片,残骸;deficiency缺乏,不足;perception理解,感知;persecution迫害。

  24. A perpetual永久的;persuasive善说服的;picturesque独特的;possessive所有的,物主的。

  25. C pecked啄食;oriented导向;perturbed感到不安;paddled划桨,搅拌。

  26. C manipulated操作,操纵;lumbered伐木,笨重的行动;meddle干涉;littered乱丢垃圾。

  27. B linen亚麻布;deception欺骗,诡计;longitude经度,经线;paradise天堂。

  28. D deduced推论,演绎出;damped使潮湿,使沮丧;diminished减少,贬低;destined注定,命定的。

  29. B compressing压缩;terminating使终结;conforming符合,一致;contending竞争,主张。

  30. A oppressed压抑,压迫;congested拥挤的;confronted面临,对抗;crane起重机。 31. C conceptual概念上的;considerate考虑周到的;optimal最佳的,最理想的;component组成的,构成的。

  32. A flung是fling的过去式,抛,掷,扔;flew是fly的过去式,飞翔,飘扬;clamped夹住,夹紧;clashed猛撞,冲击。

  33. B cautioned警告;fled是flee的过去式;逃逸;chattered喋喋不休的谈;civilized文明的。

  34. A exterminated消除;exemplified例示;facilitated使便利,推动;emitted发出。释放。

  35. D endeavor努力,尽力;reduce减少,还原;assert断言;induce说服,促使。


  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension


  36. D 第一段的最后一句“Rains may only come once in five or six years or not fall for a decade or more. The Mojave desert in the United States remained dry for twenty-five years.”从中可以看出,沙漠不是不降雨,而是很少降雨,infrequently意为“罕见地,稀少地”,故D是符合题意的选项。

  37. B 根据第二段第三句“There are virtually no clouds or trees to protect the earth's surface and it can be burning hot. Under the sun, soils break up and crack...”,在沙漠地区没有云、没有树保护地面,地面很容易曝晒,因此裂开,所以应该选B地面缺乏保护。

  38. A 文章第二段第六行“Throughout history deserts have been expanding and retreating again.”这段中谈到,一些肥沃的地方以前曾经是沙漠,而现在的沙漠以前也曾经是沃土和绿洲。所以A符合文章的内容。

  39. C 文章第二段中间有一句话“Twenty million square kilometers, an area twice the size of Canada, is at a high to very high risk of becoming desert. With a further 1.25 million square kilometers under moderate risk.”这句话是说,2000万平方公里的土地面临着成为沙漠的高危险,而125万平方公里的土地有中度危险,加起来就是答案C—超过2000万平方公里的土地面临着成为沙漠的危险。

  40. C 文章最后一句话作者是这样写的“At this rate there is a high risk that we will be confined to living on only 50% of this planet's land surface within one more century unless we are able to do something about it.” 作者的意思是,如果我们不采取措施我们将会面临着很严重的危机,所以说A、B、D都不是文章的本意,只有C符合。

  41. C 先找到这个词所在的句子“Indeed, its user can at once be a receiver and sender of broadcast—a confusing property, but mind-stretching!”这句话是说,在网络上人们可以是信息接受者也可以是发布者,这很让人有点迷惑,但是却对人的思维有很高要求。可以看出mind-stretching的意思是C。

  42. B 文章中的第八行“It became a great tool for writers but a terrible one for other creative activities such as sketching, painting, notating music, or even mathematics.” 这其中的it可以从紧跟的上文中找到是the typewriter,所以是说typewriter对sketching和painting来说是不好的工具。

  43. D 文章的倒数第五行有这么一句:“Thus, the small efforts of the man—the seniors—complement the large efforts of the few—the teachers.”结合上文,说的是小学请来年长者作为顾问,所以是年长者努力帮助小学生,故选D。

  44. A 这一句“the seniors create a sense of meaning for themselves”意思是“这些老人也感觉到了自己的价值”。纵观选项,B、C、D都是说的有关网络的内容,而这句话并没有涉及网络的内容,故A是符合其本意的。

  45. C scratch乱涂,擦,刮,抓,挖出。可以看出词组“scratch the surface”的意思是“只接触表面”,只有C是跟这个意思相符的。C的意思是“处理某事物不全面”,因此选C。

  46. A 选择依据是原文第二段这样一句话:Even at quite low concentrations there is a reversible fall in lung function, an increase in the irritability of the lungs and evidence of airway inflammation(发炎). 从中可以看出,B、C、D选项都是laboratory experiments的结果之一;但是low concentration只是实验的条件之一;换言之,一方面,low concentration不是实验结果,而是实验条件;另一方面,low concentration不是惟一的实验条件,而只是实验条件之一(可能还有high concentration等实验条件存在)。

  47. C 原文第二段有这样一句原文:Although irritable and inflamed lungs are particularly seen in people with asthma(哮喘) and other lung diseases, these effects of ozone also occur in healthy subjects. 从中可以看出该题选项C才是正确的。

  48. D Attending school camps。该题要选择不是lung disease的原因的选项,另外三项在原文中作者都用确凿的口吻说明是lung disease的原因,比如第一段结尾处“A series of these killer fogs eventually led to the British Passing the Clean Air Act which restricted the burning of coal.”,其他B、C两项在原文中也有涉及。而D项,Groups of children attending school camps show falls in lung function even at quite low concentrations of ozone. 这里有助于分析文章的信息来自even at quite low concentrations of ozone, 而非Groups of children attending school camps,换言之,对于文章的理解而言,Groups of children attending school camps并无实际作用,只会干扰读者的分析思路。

  49. D 判断依据是来自原文中的一句话“It is suspected that long-term exposure to smog may result in chronic bronchitis (支气管炎)and emphysema(肺气肿), but this has yet to be proven”。那么可见该题答案应该是D,smog and chronic bronchitis and emphysema。本题完全是根据原文原句做答;只是用同义词determine代替了prove。

  50. C 参看原文Recently an association has been found between the levels of particles in the air and death rates in North American cities. The reason for this association is not understood and as yet there is no evidence this occurs in Australia. 意思是说,最近发现北美空气中微粒的浓度与死亡率之间存在联系,但是原因尚不知晓,而且在澳大利亚并未发现此类现象。

  51. B 参看原文Hundreds of employees with access to high-security areas at 15 U. S. airports have been arrested or indicted by federal law enforcement officials for using phony Social Security numbers, lying about criminal convictions or being in the United States illegally. 可见,数百名机场雇员被逮捕的原因有:using phony Social Security numbers(使用假冒的社会安全号);lying about criminal convictions(隐瞒犯罪事实)、being in the United States illegally(非法留居美国)。

  52. C 题干问:Figures showed that security screeners were_______dangerous item. 在危险物品方面,数据显示安检仪:选项A说能检测;B说不能检测;C说不能高效率地检测;而D说能很高效率地检测。根据原文:security screeners failed to detect knives 70% of the time, guns 30% of the time and simulated explosives 60% of the time. 该题答案很容易判断应该为C。

  53. C 原文Two members of the House Transportation Committee are pushing to reverse the administration's opposition to arming pilots because groups representing pilots are insisting that their members need to be armed as a last line of defense. 中文意思是:House Transportation Committee中的两个成员力图推翻administration反对武装pilot。可见,反对武装pilot的是administration。而pilot自身,原文中也有提及,pilot的代表群体坚持认为他们的成员需要被武装,作为他们最后一道安全线。

  54. B infamous声名狼藉的。

  55. B 原文中有Some people in the industry wisely have suggested that all airport workers be required to pass through the same metal detectors and other security checks as flight crews do,所以all airport workers没有经过安全检查,因此人们建议应当对他们进行检查。

  Part Ⅳ Cloze

  56. D 从上下文的意思来看,是说发明家有三个选择或路线,要么公开发表,要么不公布,要么注册专利。因此根据词义与句意应该选course,意思是“方针、路线”。

  57. C 从上下文来看,是说发明者将发明密而不发,因此先从词义排除掉A和D。covered的意思中. “隐蔽着的,掩藏着的”,secret的意思是“秘密的,隐秘的”,比较来看C更好一些,常用keep...secret表示“将某事保守秘密”。

  58. A 这里是指“注册的”专利,grant意为“同意,准许,授予”,多用作及物动词,这里用granted表示“已经被批准、被授予的”

  59. B 实际上应该是“a bargain which is struck between an inventor and the state”, which引导一个定语从句修饰bargain,这里省略了which is,故应该用strike的过去分词struck。

  60. D 这一句的意思是,发明家先有一段垄断时期,这段时间结束以后就要把发明的所有细节公诸于众。terminate的意思是“停止,结束,终止”,而且是在after引导的从句中,故应该选择terminates。

  61. D 这是一个only引导状语放在句首的倒装句,故此处应该填be的正确形式,主语是the lifespan of a patent,故应该选单数的形式is。

  62. C 这是与上一个题相联系的,是is后面的动词,其实这个倒装句如果改成正常语序应该是“the lifespan of a patent is extended to alter this nromal process of this events”。

  63. A 类似于58题的用法,也是指“被批准的”最长的时间延长,grant的过去分词granted修饰extension。

  64. C 从上下文的意思来看,是说有个人的彩电线路专利被延长了很多年,是因为一直以来没有彩电来“接收”这一线路。此处to不是介词,后面跟动词原形,可知receive为最恰当选项。

  65. A 从前文的描述可以看出,专利在一定时期结束之后是要公诸于众的,所以这里应该选public,意为“公开的”。

  66. C 本文一直是在讲专利,所以说应该是专利办公室的图书馆里有无数的专利信息可供人们自由使用,从语意上可知选patent 。

  67. B 这里是说如果专利的时间超过了50年还应该再注册,所以应该是older than。

  68. D 从结构上来看,wishing to avoid a high cost是修饰anyone的,所以应该用动名词结构做定语,从意思上来看,人们当然是愿意通过剽窃专利以避免高额的研发费用,所以是选wish而不是refuse。

  69. A 从意思来看,是说人们想避免在仍有效的专利中搜索的高额费用,因此可能有人会去剽窃a dead patent,与下文的这个词组相对应,可以看出应该是选live。

  70. C 联系上下文的意思,某一观点的任何形式的公开发表都会使这一观点的其他专利无效,所以从四个选项的意思来看C比较合适。

  71. C 根据前文的意思,在同一个领域里有人发表注册了某一观点,那其他的也就无效了,只有从别的领域里提取观点才是安全的。

  72. D 考查搭配,注意空格后面是on, base on建立在…基础上,四个选项中只有base能很好的与on相搭配。

  73. B 也是一种常用用法,involve含有,包括,牵涉,说“某人涉及某事”通常说“somebody be involved in something”,这里是做定语,所以是involved in。

  74. C 这是一个强调句型,为了方便看清句子的结构可以先将句中中间的补充说明部分跳过,这样整个句子就变成了“It is theft reduction to commercial practice that makes news and money.”强调theft reduction,所以这个空应该填that。

  75. D 固定搭配,originate from,意为“发源于,来源于”。这句话的意思是“大部分电视机方面的最初观念都源于19世纪末期和20世纪初期。”



