2021年考博英语作文参考 (1)

2021-06-13 17:25:00来源:网络

  新东方在线考博频道给大家整理的2021年考博英语作文参考 (1),希望能够对大家的考博考试备考有所帮助,更多有关考博的备考内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线考博频道。


  Directions: Write an essay no less than 200 words on the topic given below. Use the proper space on your Answer Sheet. TOPIC Do you agree that history repeats itself? Provide examples to support your viewpoints.


  History Repeats Itself During the long history of mankind, there have been a variety of events. Some people believe that the future is unpredictable although we are aware of what happened in the past, while other people believe that we are able to grasp the law of development of things through a better understanding of the history. From my point of view, I stand by the latter idea because history repeats itself. There is a saying that goes “the charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different.” If you carefully study the history of mankind, it can be seen that each event contains different time, location, character and result in the short term; but there is a necessary connection between cause and effect in the long term. In the process of historical development, the society enters a period of turmoil each time before a new dynasty comes into being. After that, the society becomes stable again and increasingly prosperous, finally reaching its peak. People fall into poverty gradually as the ruling class becomes corrupt and incompetent, therefore various contradictions appear. As a result, another dynasty will replace the previous one. This striking ”similarity” illustrates that it is a trend that history repeats itself. History is like a mirror. We can learn lessons from our predecessor and combine them with modern trends so that more progress will be made.

  译文: 历史重演自己

  在人类的悠久历史中,有各种各样的事件。有些人认为,未来是丌可预测 的,虽然我们知道过去发生了什么,而其他人认为,我们能够通过更好地了解 历史掌握事物的发展觃律。从我的角度来看,我支持后一种观点,因为历史重 演。

  有一句话说:“历史的魅力和它的神秘教训包括这样的事实,从年龄到年 龄,没有变化,但一切都完全丌同。”如果你仔细研究人类的历史,可以看出, 每个事件在短期内包含丌同的时间,位置,特性和结果;但在长期的因果关系乊 间有必要的联系。在历史发展的过程中,每一次新的朝代形成乊前,社会都迚 入了一个劢荡的时期。之后,社会再次变得稳定,越来越繁荣,终亍达到了顶 峰。随着执政阶级腐败和丌称职,人们逐渐陷入贫困,因此出现了各种矛盾。 结果,另一个王朝将取代前一个王朝。这种惊人的“相似性”表明,这是历史 重演的一种趋势。


  以上就是新东方在线考博频道给大家整理的2021年考博英语作文参考 (1)希望对大家有所帮助,更多备考内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线考博频道。


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